Example sentences of "five [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The big thing there is there 's no rule in life that says you know if someone says Five them you must draw five centimetres .
2 Anyway , at shortly before five I made my way to the forecourt of the RA .
3 By five I am sober and handle the meeting with a superb professionalism borrowed from Mildred Pierce and Mommie Dearest .
4 In Chapter Five I described how we disguise our motives in conversation through using sub-text .
5 By the age of five I was given glasses which had no effect , serving only to restrict my field of vision , since I could only really see to read with one eye .
6 At five minutes to five I parked my car alongside Richmond Police Station , and on the dot of five o'clock was shown into Inspector Drew 's office .
7 A nice night 's sleep seems like a nice change , but nightmares have habits of popping up , once when I was five I had a dream that my friends and I were being ripped apart and eaten by a giant , now when the time comes to go into that great big C D tea room in the sky , could you change something ?
8 Then o on page five I found a quote that there was nothing particularly in the consultation document for merger referring to finance apart from the increase coming from the changes and that question er , the , I take your points er , in fact referring to the and provider unit .
9 And then when I was about twenty four , twenty four or five I 'd got twenty men working for me , so er we were n't doing so bad .
10 Well we we formed the national union that comprised , have have you read any books on that , aye , formed that about nineteen forty forty five I should think , guess , that 'll be it , about forty five .
11 When Maria knocked on the door at half past five I woke as if I had a hangover .
12 If you had a thousand in a building society and a thousand equities , you 'd be a very happy man in nineteen forty five I would think , but if you look at what happens between then and nineteen ninety , the building society 's written , risen by eight point nine times , and look at the equities , a hundred and eight thousand , er that really is stunning , you know that , that re return on equities .
13 And er the half hour was er erm we had nine and a half five days , that was er from eight till half past five I do n't know but it was fifty-two and a half hours , from eight till half-past twelve on a Saturday and er
14 Five , five I 'm bid .
15 Five I 'm bid .
16 Five I 'm bid .
17 Five I 'm bid .
18 Five I 'm bid .
19 Any advance on Ninety five I 'm bid .
20 ( He said four I said five he said five I said six … )
21 Well I was a crane driver from nineteen thirty two till I went stevedoring , what time would that be , oh about nineteen fifty five I reckon .
22 I mean M S DOS Five I think was very good .
23 I 'm gon na need a pension when I reach the age of sixty , sixty five I recommend that we support this motion and vigorously campaign for pensions for everybody on an equal status .
24 It was up nineteen five I think for tourists or nineteen three somewhere ni Just after the turn of the century .
25 And in the thirty five i think .
26 Well the next morning I was up at the top gate on picket and erm came with his van and he he spelted up through and the lads jumped one side well , I 'm nearly sixty five I did n't jump so quickly .
27 I could have been a model , I reckon , though at twenty five I suppose I 'm too old now .
28 Tuesday 's Afternoon Show with between two and five I hope you 'll join me .
29 Lot number one three two Lot number one three two is showing for you , Lot number one three two for thirty pounds , at thirty , thirty five , forty , forty five , fifty pounds , fifty five standing at fifty five I 've got and I shall sell at fifty five , sixty in front sixty , sixty five pounds seventy going on ?
30 Well , about seventy five I had at 's .
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