Example sentences of "every other " in BNC.

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1 But there are still prisoners of conscience in Europe , and in every other region of the world .
2 But if , as Longinus thinks , the sublime , being the highest excellence that human composition can attain to , abundantly compensates the absence of every other beauty , and atones for all other deficiencies , then Michelangelo demands the preference .
3 Like every other organism in a thriving garden , pests have a role to play .
4 The aim should be to out-climb every other glider nearby and not to be satisfied with just staying up , unless the conditions are very poor .
5 Well , apart from that camp every other day thrill …
6 Jewish mourning , as with every other aspect of life , is strictly regimented .
7 For example , in the solo waltz the dancer marks the three beats of a waltz in roughly every other bar , usually with her feet , but in the third musical phrase she poses in arabesque and marks the beat by gradually lowering her hand three times .
8 Perhaps What 's Brewing could feature an up-to-date list of local beer guides every other month , alternating with the painfully unfunny P.A. Newton column ? — DAVE WHITE , Wigan .
9 George Smith , aided and abetted by Martin Crook , unearthed Big-Fin-Reef-Squid E5 6b on the left of Hyll Drem itself before going on to tackle the fins of rock between Primus and Burner , resulting in Of All the Bars in All the World , E6 6b ; apparently every other move involves a knee-bar , but probably only if you 're as tall as George — the rest of us should merely levitate .
10 In that little exchange which is the entire Drunks fragment the ‘ loose end ’ idea undercuts the moral and every other aspect of the matter , and once again there 's a link with journalism , this time Dostoevsky 's own .
11 The front page of the People 's Daily and every other major national newspaper last week featured a picture of the new Politburo standing committee meeting with actors from a People 's Liberation Army theatre troupe made up to look like the dead founding fathers .
12 Down in the foyer , the audio tape of Mr Skinner 's chairman 's address to conference was already outselling every other cassette .
13 Napoleon has graduated from the fringe circuit to the West End because , despite the size of the cast , it is , in every other sense , a big show .
14 It 's worked for every other country .
15 After all , in every other aspect of economic behaviour we now espouse a liberal philosophy .
16 THE first antiques ‘ freesheet ’ is claiming to have topped the circulation of every other antiques magazine just four months ( and one issue ) after its launch .
17 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
18 But in every other way , the new 911 looks identical to its predecessor .
19 people who were not regular paper readers relied more on television , while Guardian readers relied more on the press ; but a plurality of every other paper 's readers said they found press and television equally useful .
20 The importance attached to every other issue rose sharply when the campaign opened but the importance attached to defence hardly changed .
21 They were not quite the least well educated : in our panel , Mirror readers had slightly less professional qualifications than even Sun/Star readers , though every other paper 's readers ( and non-readers ) had much more .
22 The gulf between peasant and party which Yakovlev noticed in the Kursk guberniia was typical of all rural localities in early NEP , despite their enormous local differences from each other in every other way .
23 I attribute that fact , rightly or wrongly , to the realisation of everyone who occupies that position that , while in every other direction insistent and vocal public and professional demand keeps up a constant pressure for expansion and improvement , it is frequently only his own influence and authority which will be exerted to redress the balance .
24 Equally plainly , in this view disobedience is literally world-shattering ; to transgress or deviate from the law of nature , to ‘ fail , or swerve ’ ( i. 185 ) from one 's allotted course , is a perversion which brings ruin not only to the transgressive agent , but to every other dependent entity .
25 Cockney Rebel had it a bit , and it was the time of the film Cabaret , The Rocky Horror Show and Biba 's nightclub on the roof of what used to be Derry and Toms Every other phrase in the newspapers seemed to be ‘ Iounge lizard ’ .
26 She had forsaken her people and her father 's house , and had , like every other well-brought-up girl , established her own household and she should cleave only unto it , forsaking all others so long as she should live .
27 in unwise policy decisions ; in day to day ineptness in running the enterprises ; in illicit government transfer payments in construction and purchase contracts and through every other imaginable channel ; in the use of contractor finance and suppliers ' credits to finance the venality of state officials ; and in overburdened and unrealistic capital structures .
28 ‘ The same as every other Monaghan Day , ’ McQuaid said .
29 I do n't know why things ca n't be the same in this house as in every other house in the country .
30 It is an elegant way to travel , much better than waiting for the buses which , at this time of year , seem to come every other Tuesday .
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