Example sentences of "set into " in BNC.

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1 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
2 The ½in plywood partition is cut to 33⅝ × 15½in to set into the box 2in from the manifold side and 8in from the piston side .
3 Set into the side-seams were two deep slit pockets .
4 Set into the wall , which was made of wood , was an enormous iron-studded door .
5 Set into the floor near the entrance is a brass strip running the width of the building to a sundial set on the left wall .
6 Off we set into the station proper , aware we were already late for the train 's arrival .
7 Set into the 16″ radius fingerboard are 22 jumbo frets with dot position markers ; the frets are smooth and really well finished .
8 Set into the midsole , usually in EVA .
9 There was one door : set into one of the metal walls , it had an electronic lock that , while not as sophisticated as the transmat , was certainly hundreds of years away from the medieval technology of Arcadia .
10 Set into the floor were several open pits , which exuded a dank stench even as they pulsed with the chill luminescence of putrefaction .
11 It is uncertain what weight can be placed on the evidence of a medieval Welsh triad which refers to Eadwine as nurtured in Môn ( Anglesey ) , implying that he had spent some time — perhaps while in exile — on the island , but set into the earliest surviving Welsh tradition is the memory of armed conflict between Eadwine and Cadwallon .
12 During a study of the various styles , it became apparent to me that if the back legs are set into the seat rails at an angle , this angle , together with the curvature of the rear legs and backward slope of the chair back can regulate the flair : if the legs are mounted at right angles to the rear seat rail , there would be no flair .
13 Where the new season 's races have taken place , all have been on strips of man-made snow set into dun-coloured grass .
14 The flavours of the trout and ham combine beautifully in this starter , which can be served either with melon balls mounted in the centre or set into the mixture .
15 Place a layer of the mixture in the base of the prepared mould , then arrange the melon balls on top , if they are to be set into the mousse .
16 Pile the melon balls into the centre of the mousse if they have not been set into the mixture .
17 In its place are three buttons set into the right hand cab pillar .
18 The outer door was set into the lower corner of the left-hand wall .
19 When the facts or events I mentioned above are put together in sequence , and when they are set into the background of recent developments , then a different and far more worrying interpretation begins to appear .
20 A short path led along cracked paving to a front door with coloured glass set into its wood .
21 From Robert 's description of the place I presume that it had once been an attic , for it was small , the ceiling sloped , and there was no window set into the wall .
22 ‘ From Robert 's description of the place , ’ he read , ‘ I presume that it had once been an attic , for it was small , the ceiling sloped , and there was no window set into the wall . ’
23 A short path of cracked paving led to a front door that had a crescent of dimly coloured glass set into the wood above the frame .
24 All sounds from outside were muffled because of the dock being partly below ground level , set into the slope of the bank , but in a short while I heard the sound of a car door slamming and after that the noise of an engine starting up and being driven away .
25 In the little churchyard in Sasbach , by contrast , two inconspicuous marble tablets are set into a wall .
26 As you go in by the west end of the nave of the parish church , two black memorial plaques have been set into little side chapels on the north and south walls .
27 Its most surprising room , covered from ceiling to floor in 17th-century paintings , should be a salon or library ; instead , a dotty stone bathtub was set into one wall at a later date by a lady called Charlotte .
28 Part of the staggered building campaign may be seen in the Mannerist w door set into the very Baroque triumphal arch which comprises the remainder of the W front .
29 Sculptural panels illustrating ‘ Engineering ’ , ‘ Agriculture ’ , ‘ Commerce ’ , ‘ Science ’ , and ‘ Trade ’ were set into the gables , and cameo busts of the directors of the company were placed in the main façade .
30 The marble block was then set into the wall of the family tomb , so the occupants appeared to be gazing at passers-by as if from a window .
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