Example sentences of "set [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Yet to set ourselves up in such a manner contradicts our cherished notion of being part of the community . ’
2 Whether we ought to set ourselves up as molders of it is another question . ’
3 It means shaving away constantly at the sort of multiple objectives which we normally like to set ourselves , until one reaches an absolutely clear message of a mission and role .
4 We try to set ourselves specific aims and objectives and when it comes to marking scripts , for example , we have a quite specific mark scheme which has been very carefully thrased out , not only with examiners , but with certain school teachers , which we try to make tie this down as be as objective as we can , but there 's always and element of subjectivity .
5 ‘ He won enough to set himself up in his own business , so if you see a ‘ Terimon Cafe ’ on the outskirts of London you 'll know how it got the name . ’
6 The manager had been trying to set himself up in the Business when he knew full well that Clive had the franchise .
7 During 1860–2 he had found his title and ideas for some of the leading incidents , including the story of a young man feigning death and living with an assumed identity , but was unable to set himself to the writing until the autumn of 1863 , when he determined not to begin publication until he had 5 numbers in hand , since he was now writing so slowly , with care and with difficulty .
8 In Wales also Gloucester was expected to set himself at the head of existing officials .
9 It 's not that he wishes to set himself up as a leader .
10 Where did he get the money to set himself up with a yacht in Burnham-on-bloody-Crouch if it was n't a pay-off from Maurice Abberley for services rendered ? ’
11 A self-confessed con-artist and charlatan , he used his ‘ nimbleness of wit ’ to set himself up as a quack doctor and an exorcist .
12 ‘ In all my films , ’ said Winner , ‘ the underlying theme is the individual seeking to prove himself against the mass , to set himself above the environment .
13 Nevertheless , the local historian will find it useful to think of his chosen parish or neighbourhood in terms of broad categories such as ‘ open-field arable ’ or ‘ wood-pasture ’ or ‘ fenland edge ’ and to set himself the fundamental task of understanding how people adapted themselves to their physical environment .
14 In Wales also Gloucester was expected to set himself at the head of existing officials .
15 Chramn used his position in Aquitaine to set himself up in opposition to his father , Chlothar I , who sent his half-brothers to destroy him .
16 To do this he has to set himself up as one of the scared people of the modern world , a textbook example of homo neuroticus .
17 The industry is split over whether to set itself a 20% or 35% ceiling on the percentage of assets that junk bonds can account for .
18 There was little enthusiasm , then , as the paper moved towards the alien financial world of the City to set itself up as a public limited company .
19 This change will allow the Gallery to set itself up permanently on a proper funding basis , with the possibility of a number of options : it could move into public ownership , either national or local ; alternatively , a private sponsor might come forward and take on the entire enterprise .
20 The prospect of1993 and the abolition of customs controls between EC countries has spurred the Italian State to set itself the awe-inspiring task of cataloguing a further two million items of its national heritage within two years in execution of its duty to ‘ care for Italy 's landscape , history and cultural heritage ’ ( to quote the Constitution ) .
21 To satisfy that humble demand the GMC , pace its president , would not have to set itself up as ‘ an investigation bureau to assess the scientific validity of new treatments before allowing doctors to use them . ’
22 The UK was prepared to set itself the " very demanding target " of stabilizing total UK emissions of CO2 at 1990 levels by 2005 as part of " a wide international effort , with a fair distribution of the burden " , and " provided others are ready to take their full share " .
23 THE daughter of the Nobel prize-winning nuclear physicist Owen Chamberlain , who had threatened to set herself on fire and detonate explosives in front of the UN headquarters in New York , surrendered to police yesterday after a tense confrontation .
24 The therapist suggested that possibly she tended to set herself standards that were too high and also underestimated her own ability .
25 Riding on a high she had decided to set herself up as an independent designer .
26 She said she did n't mind Elizabeth being Queen at all , and had no doubt she was a very good one too , but that it was evil and presumptuous of her — the illegitimate daughter of an excommunicated heretic and a beheaded adulteress — to set herself up as defender of the Faith .
27 The alternative was to use her capital to set herself up in business .
28 Once out of sight of the house with its menaces and disappointments Nicandra ran down the drive , jogging and shaking to set herself free from what was not a baby .
29 A leading Western authority on the reincorporation of the nationalities into the Soviet Union opined that of all the minorities the Belorussians had the weakest urge to set themselves apart .
30 In central Africa influential movements such as Jehovah 's Witnesses were attractive to those who sought to set themselves apart and to adopt a puritan lifestyle .
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