Example sentences of "turn into " in BNC.

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1 Babel 's bad times could be turned into art — an art which has been seen to release him , as it were , from his subject , and which has also been seen to hesitate .
2 Found myself out in the snow but the snow had turned into cotton wool .
3 After 4–7 days most of the sugars have been turned into alcohol and the yeast begins to sink to the bottom of the vessel .
4 So much yeast is produced during fermentation that large amounts are sold to companies such as Marmite to be turned into yeast extract .
5 Hope Steuart had felled a tree across the track , two men with cudgels were standing sentry behind it , they dropped the clubs and ran when the whole wood came at them , the darkness between the trees turned into people , people everywhere , herds and thickets of them surrounding the low tower-house .
6 The ordeal she had expected had turned into fun .
7 Where today 's talent is turned into tomorrow 's champion
8 In the meantime , most of the original Classes 302 , 304 , 305 , 307 , 308 have been turned into open saloons and given new seating and gangways .
9 Before barley can be used in a brewery it must be turned into malt .
10 Just a short distance away , where the Whitechapel Road has turned into the Mild End Road , was another East End concern whose name had become part of a company with national interests — Mann Crossman and Paulin of the Albion brewery .
11 But , in keeping with the decline of the Kentish hop industry , they have been turned into weekend retreats for green-wellied Londoners driving trendy 4×4 jeeps .
12 The basic idea is that a few parameters are turned into a smooth curve by a standardised computation .
13 It is his second interpretation , deriving substantially from Nietzsche , that has become dominant in deconstruction as popularly understood , where all meaning is turned into ‘ play ’ .
14 The most demanding would be one I have previously raised : namely , that though the successful encounter with a poem may result in a unique aesthetic experience , academic practice demands that it be turned into non-aesthetic discourse .
15 They certainly can not be turned into the stated goal of an academic programme .
16 Soon after , thanks largely to the endeavours of India 's finest ornithologist , Salim Ali , the ex-Maharajah 's swamp was turned into a sanctuary unequalled in Asia .
17 The dispute between Australia 's 1,700 pilots and the airlines has turned into the country 's most bitter industrial confrontation for many years .
18 But , within the context of the priceless heritage and history of the palaces , value for money is a concept which can not be satisfactorily turned into a numerical equation .
19 Fortune duly gave way to forfeit ; the cars were sold , the duck marsh was turned into a bird sanctuary and the only tigers left in Bharatpur are stuffed .
20 If the great social security businesses can be turned into successful , free-standing executive agencies , the problem will have been cracked — the Next Steps reforms will have worked where so many attempts at change faltered .
21 The main fear is that Captain Marvel , having turned into Captain Miracle , will be revealed as Captain Mortal ; the sight of Robson limping off would be ominous .
22 With The Cook , The Thief , His Wife And Her Lover ( 18 ) he has made a few changes , but certain basic principles hold good : the look of everything is still turned into art history , and the meaning of everything is still turned into nothing , a nothing that sometimes seems despairing and sometimes only smug .
23 With The Cook , The Thief , His Wife And Her Lover ( 18 ) he has made a few changes , but certain basic principles hold good : the look of everything is still turned into art history , and the meaning of everything is still turned into nothing , a nothing that sometimes seems despairing and sometimes only smug .
24 More soon of this exciting saga , which is due to be turned into a TV epic or will be if we can fix up a deal with anyone .
25 It is almost titualistic that parade is turned into a celebration of the communal-like bonds of the section .
26 Yakovlev was worried by the way in which teachers were being turned into what he called ‘ the slaves of the kulaks ’ through their financial dependence on richer peasants in the Kursk guberniia .
27 The Repton boy 's horror at Churchill 's anti-Bolshevist campaign had turned into a more adult and less ferocious criticism .
28 He hated the vulgarity of showing off the delegates as though they were exhibits , and the insincerity of pretending that platitudes were pronouncements of world-shaking import , and the feeling that he came a long way to greet fellow-Christians and found himself turned into a ham-actor on a second-rate stage .
29 What we can still do is to escape at long last from the constitutional fiction which we once grasped to ease our transition from the capital of a worldwide empire to a nation state alongside other nation states , but which , having produced so much havoc here at home , has turned into an instrument for external duress to be brought to bear on our own political institutions .
30 His face grew puffy , his arms and legs swelled up , and his fingers turned into purple sausages so that he kept dropping his darts .
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