Example sentences of "turn to " in BNC.

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1 Unless very dense , the shady conditions produced by most garden trees can be turned to advantage by creating a miniature woodland that will suit shade-loving plants and offer a cool oasis in a hot summer .
2 The effects of electrical discharges on glass fibre and carbon fibre structures are uncertain , but it is clear that any moisture in the material would be turned to steam by a flash and would certainly cause delamination and very expensive damage .
3 The West Country 's joy at being able to combine quality and tradition in the shape of brand-new brown-and-cream-liveried bus-based four-wheeled diesel units for local branch services turned to dismay when their long wheelbase caused ear-splitting squeals on tight curves , and they had to be rapidly replaced by the thirty-year-old DMUs they had supplanted , fortunately not yet scrapped .
4 After a room-to-room chase lasting several minutes , during which every lamp in the house was turned to sawdust , the dog was finally caught and wrestled to the ground .
5 It is turned to Cool .
6 As the afternoon temperature rose our thoughts turned to the beaches .
7 Once every 100 years they resume their human shapes and renew their embraces ; anyone who sees them then is turned to stone .
8 Roads were turned to mud by days of rain and Fiorio had the additional hardship of a bubbling radiator to contend with .
9 THE PANAMANIAN military chief , General Manuel Noriega , has turned to ‘ people power ’ as he strives to shore up his tottering regime in the wake of last week 's failed coup attempt .
10 turned to the youth .
11 One of the Officers turned to me and indicated that I should push off .
12 His battledress was soaked with blood on one side , his face was a ghastly grey colour with the mouth hanging open , his head was turned to one side with the eyes closed .
13 There was a funny atmosphere all the time he was there Then after he 'd left , the other guys turned to me and said , what you doing bringing a sooty down ? )
14 The government therefore initially turned to privatization in large part as an answer to the ‘ problem ’ of the nationalized industries .
15 If , therefore , the King had turned to Henderson after MacDonald had proffered his resignation , or had sought the views of Labour Privy Counsellors as suggested by Herbert Morrison , he could have been accused of wasting valuable time .
16 The Americans would have thousands of surplus transport aircraft that could be turned to civil use , and a well-developed transport aircraft industry ; the British , on the other hand , would have virtually none .
17 Then on the way back he had suddenly turned to Maggie and said ,
18 In the same way , therefore , as they had turned to primitives for finding the opposite of capitalist relations of production , they turned to them for a form of family which was the opposite of the capitalist family .
19 Many low caste people who had previously been craft workers turned to farm work , and as farmworkers they had to be paid not in the old feudal terms but an amount definitely related to the work they did .
20 The Cadillac Automobile Company was formed in 902 out of the remnants of one of Henry Ford 's early attempts at building cars , and the company 's backers turned to Leland for help .
21 ‘ The first time I held those keys , I put them in my mouth and felt my bones had turned to gold , ’ she announces .
22 Can not understand why smallest toenails have turned to quartz and wish they would become pink and smooth again .
23 She took her art seriously and in the agony of creative inspiration often turned to poetry and music for assurance .
24 AS THE argument over economic solutions to solve Poland 's ills grows , the debate has turned to ways of maintaining worker interest and participation in industries which will be subject to a tougher managerial and financial climate .
25 Some have turned to religion , some to aesthetics .
26 He watched them out of sight , then turned to his squad .
27 Almost as soon as the Japanese surrendered in August 1945 these British hopes turned to doubts .
28 The Washingtons , though welcome , could not fill the gap entirely , so thoughts turned to the production of relatively simple flying bombs .
29 They have been used for thousands of years , one of the earliest references to salt being in the Old Testament when Lot 's wife was turned to salt in the desert .
30 Swordfish in the Georges Bank fishing grounds in the north west Atlantic Ocean have traditionally been taken by harpoon , but heavy fishing pressure has driven stocks to an all-time low , and some boats have turned to the use of drift-nets .
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