Example sentences of "little [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The state of goth — as catch-all historical movement for the too-ugly and the too-grim and as a modern phenom — is given little credence by UK Decay , the ridiculous Virgin Prunes , the talentless and misguided Christian Death , The Neff 's rubbish psychobilly and the new blood 's slavering adherence to the Sisters Of Mercy songbook ( eg Rosetta Stone , James Ray , Nosferatu ) .
2 Until then Britain , which had taken the initiative in founding WEU out of the wreckage of the EDC , tended to place little credence in it .
3 Psychoanalysis finds little credence among laymen for assertions such as these .
4 ‘ The importance of maintenance as a specialist element within the sphere of building is undeniable and yet so often we are portrayed as unprofessional and given little credence .
5 I mean in in the midweek game against us he had very little play and then he produced one ball that got them an equalizer and I suppose that 's what Frank would look for now .
6 Given the current arrangements in primary and secondary care , it is hardly surprising that there has been so little assessment of efficiency to date .
7 As the red blood cell has little cytoplasm , the effect is that both nuclei become surrounded by HeLa cytoplasm .
8 His description of Audrey as ‘ little cow ’ and Mrs Spalding as ‘ silly bitch ’ also reflect this distaste .
9 Pampered little cow , with her public bleeding heart .
10 Little cow , ’ Dickinson suggested .
11 John Yeudall , who 's been involved in the Community for many years as worker , chairman and elected member said " My feelings about it being stripped is how very little building there is for just so much emotion and feeling in it .
12 FINANCIAL markets displayed little enthusiasm for Nigel Lawson 's speech to the Tory party conference yesterday but were prepared to grant the pound a respite from the hammering of the past few days .
13 Attempts to revive the buyout of United Airlines are meeting with little enthusiasm on Wall Street and a new bid — possibly with the support of Jay Pritzker , the Chicago financier — is unlikely to get off the ground before early 1990 .
14 NEW ATTEMPTS are underway to revive Wall Street 's most celebrated failed deal — the buyout of United Airlines which collapsed spreading chaos on the stock market two months ago — with little enthusiasm for a revised offer for the company before next year .
15 Despite tough talk about holding Saddam Hussein and his officers accountable for any war crimes , there is little enthusiasm in London for seeking jurisdiction inside Iraq after the war , or pursuing a defeated Iraqi president through his country .
16 There is little enthusiasm among voters for a coalition government and more would prefer another general election than an arrangement between either the Conservatives or Labour and one of the minor parties .
17 Table 27 indicated little enthusiasm for any alternative forms of training other than the use of video and the provision of 3 or 4 day blocks .
18 It seems that Napoleon III briefly entertained the idea of being crowned by the pope , as his uncle had been , but Pius IX showed little enthusiasm for this scheme .
19 Individual householders , faced with the prospects of a water rate , showed as little enthusiasm for the benefits of water ( and with it sewage disposal ) in the home , so that when the Empire ended only half the city 's houses had running water .
20 So my first tentative Effort to tell the medical powers of the further help I hoped to seek , had met with little enthusiasm .
21 ‘ Not at all , Mam , a nice fresh walk would be grand , ’ Patsy said with little enthusiasm .
22 There was little enthusiasm , then , as the paper moved towards the alien financial world of the City to set itself up as a public limited company .
23 Once again , employers showed little enthusiasm for them .
24 If a third of the adult population viewed reading with so little enthusiasm , was it any wonder that many children were doubtful as to its worth ?
25 FOR a country that has been run by soldiers for nearly a decade , Nigeria shows little enthusiasm for the elections due on June 12th .
26 There had been little enthusiasm for the renewal of war in Scotland in 1332 , and apart from his victory at Halidon Hill Edward had scarcely distinguished himself on his Scottish campaigns .
27 A recent survey of 33 consultant staff in Yorkshire found little enthusiasm for the GMC 's proposals .
28 The majority were individuals doing their national service , who had little enthusiasm for that , let alone for a task of this type in this perishingly cold country .
29 So far , the DTI has shown little enthusiasm for the idea , and the budget for civilian aerospace research is scheduled to decline next year by 15 per cent , to £22 million .
30 Page considers : ‘ There was little enthusiasm for the legislation among Members of Parliament , and substantial opposition from local councillors ’ ( Page 1983:44 ) .
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