Example sentences of "call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erika — ’ calling through the plastic ivy .
2 He tried to help matters by calling through his cardboard megaphone for — ‘ the best of order there for the speaker ’ .
3 The report by the Conservative Family Campaign called for restrictions on AIDS sufferers and those carrying the HIV virus , including preventing them from working with food for the public .
4 If your technique is delivered after the referee called for a halt , then as well as not scoring you may also pick up a penalty .
5 He and James should have broached it early on , devised sanctions ( the withholding of rents ; the blocking of highways and sieging of the big houses ) , called for practical suggestions from among the crowds — all that tradesmen 's and farmers ' skill and nous and energy , coalesced for a moment into a great ball of force , then left to collapse under its own weight , to crumble again into its thousands of separated grains …
6 A considerable injection of resources will be required to provide the managerial and technological expertise called for in the White Paper .
7 The Canine Crisis Council ( sponsored by Hugo Summerson MP , Baroness Phillips and Lord Ross of Newport ) has called for all dogs to be muzzled in public places and for large dogs to be kept muzzled even in the privacy of their owners ' garden .
8 Very few of us naturally look like our dogs so a little augmentation might be called for .
9 There is an approximate parallel in the history of religion : precise theological definitions of doctrine are called for only when doubters and heretics enter the picture .
10 All the submissions to the Government from the biotechnology industry have called for greater public information about genetic engineering , so no one can object to giving consumers the chance to make informed choices as they push their supermarket trolleys .
11 A student union called for a one-day strike at local colleges .
12 They had ‘ called for its development ’ .
13 Dr Roger Williams , director of the hospital 's liver unit , last night called for change in legislation in line with American law which would oblige medical staff to approach the relatives of suitable donors for permission to transplant healthy organs .
14 The extra meeting was called for by several committee members .
15 A recent Protestant Church Synod , where speakers aired grievances and called for change , was a conspiracy ‘ to prepare the way for reunification ’ .
16 The plenum agreed a date for the 11th party congress , on 27 January , and called for elections for congress delegates under new democratic rules .
17 Afterwards , Bernie Grant , the black Labour MP for Tottenham and chairman of the parliamentary black caucus , called for talks with Neil Kinnock to discuss a new compromise in which white members would join the organisation with no voting rights .
18 This seems to be the view of Lord Donaldson , that truly sagacious Master of the Rolls , who has just called for a new corps of paralegal ‘ civil justices ’ to get people like me off the hook .
19 The team have also been called for 11 holding penalties in the last two games .
20 CONFERENCE delegates yesterday swept aside a warning from the party leadership and called for the next Labour government to take back into public ownership immediately land sold off by privatised water companies .
21 Two of the most influential US newspapers called for decisions .
22 A trial scheme to test the viability of the proposal was called for at last weekend 's Bar conference .
23 ONE of the most important wage claims in the pay round was submitted yesterday when leaders of Ford 's 33,000 manual workers called for a double figure increase .
24 SHELTER has called for urgent legislation to protect people buying their homes on ‘ rental purchase ’ — a form of credit .
25 This further sign of disunity among the opposition comes just as the former president , Valery Giscard d'Estaing , who is also the leader of the UDF , has called for a fusion of the seven parties of the centre-right into ‘ one big party of the centre-right by the beginning of 1992 ’ .
26 IN A RARE display of consensus last week , industry , consumers ' organisations and the environmental movement called for a national committee to examine the social and ethical implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering of plants and animals , Tom Wilkie writes .
27 On the other hand , it will be argued that the large number of arrests points to a malaise of such dimensions that it can not completely be dealt with by a police investigation and that a wider inquiry is called for .
28 The International Stock Exchange has called for more time to implement the changes but so far it has had little success .
29 Last night Michael Meacher , Labour employment spokesman , called for the all-party Treasury and Civil Service Select Committee to examine the accuracy of government statistics and political use of them .
30 IMRAN KHAN , the Pakistan captain , has called for an overhaul of Pakistan cricket to combat what he describes as widespread ‘ nepotism and favouritism ’ .
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