Example sentences of "something new " in BNC.

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1 Ghatak saw himself as groping , experimenting with each film , trying to find a new form to say something new , now picturesque , now documentary , now epic , now experimental , now melodrama .
2 Each film has something new to tell us , something from which we too can learn .
3 Anyway , Jeff had now given me something new — something really important to me .
4 Something new from the library ? ’
5 There is often a rush to create something new without enough thought being given to the physical problems they may cause .
6 His interest in ports de bras nearly always produces something new to say , whether it is to tell a story , describe the characters and/or create a style exclusive to one work .
7 Yet in The Rake 's Progress de Valois found something new to say about the ladies of the town when she made their leader kick off her shoes , pull up her long yellow skirt and roll down her red stockings before bursting barefooted into a riotous dance on a great salver .
8 Yet whatever continuities there are , the general impression , whether pleased or panicky , that recent theoretical work represents something new is broadly correct .
9 I am thinking of unfortunate scholars in foreign universities who can not ‘ hold down their jobs ’ unless they repeatedly publish articles each of which must say , or seem to say , something new about some literary work …
10 For Mr Poher this long-drawn out struggle was something new — on the seven previous occasions he had been elected on the first ballot .
11 What ought to be exciting about Mammame is the unpredictability with which an image or a movement switches into something new .
12 Such is the volume of self-analysis that Peter Parker , a decent and sympathetic biographer , spends most of his 400-plus pages locked in a nervous struggle to find something new to say .
13 Britain will seek something new at Commonwealth summit
14 Britain is looking for something new from this conference .
15 This was something new for me .
16 He was selling teddy boy gear but what he was wearing — drecky as it was — had moved on beyond that into something new .
17 I thought it was really something new .
18 We were always out there looking for something new , trying to find any slight glimmer of someone with the same kind of ideas as us .
19 In terms of political style and policies there is something new and radical about the Conservative party under Mrs Thatcher .
20 Having the other two women in the house taught Lisa something new about herself ; she and Jonathan stopped sleeping together , which left them all short of space .
21 But particularly intriguing is the phenomenon of syncretisation itself , as an artistic process , and its relationship to meaning : the process whereby something new is created that can not simply be reduced to either side of two antagonistic forces , or returned to a former ‘ purity ’ .
22 He only mentioned his wife to tell me he 'd just bought her something new to wear and he tried to give me the impression his brother-in-law was something of a poor fish because he could n't make ends meet . ’
23 In her manifesto , prime mover Jill Greenhalgh wrote : ‘ There 's something new and vital and female that is lying latent and untapped , trapped under thousands of years of patriarchal art , and you just ca n't quite grasp it . ’
24 Only one of the detectors has hinted at finding something new , but the evidence is thin and the experimenters are keen not to make any premature fuss .
25 The Association for Community Reform Now ( ACORN ) , a national non-profit housing group , is pressing the agency to try something new — like hiring them .
26 If France moves towards greater participation in NATO , it must come into something new .
27 But he expresses this by saying that we ‘ can proceed no farther by reasoning than to things which must be exposed again to experience or which can be evidenced by means of some appearance ’ ; and this seems to suggest something new .
28 God , however , sees the opportunity to recreate something new out of the failure we see .
29 If you want to get them to look at something new , you 've got to make them see . ’
30 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
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