Example sentences of "over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Government of Sri Lanka has shown itself to be increasingly sensitive to the outcry over its appalling human rights record over the last decade .
2 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
3 In the afternoon he starts by sleeping , then takes over the kitchen and insists on preparing extravagant five-course meals .
4 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , tearing the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page , I know you never reply to letters and refuse to answer the door or the phone .
5 Having applied cement render over the external brickwork , attached a hideous modern porch and added an extension in jarring and inappropriate modern materials , the brewery designers have gutted the interior .
6 The VAT returns for the last quarter are due in , and that big ( very profitable ) convention which took over the hotel for three weeks last year is imminent but you ca n't get at your data .
7 A Youngman protégé could take over the old boy 's lecturing responsibilities and everything would fit together rather nicely .
8 Go over the launch failure procedures after any long lay-off from flying .
9 ‘ I 've seen Jay tongue out figs in the most suggestive manner , and positively drool over the sweet flesh of a mango .
10 Your leading hand slaps down on the punch as you simultaneously punch over the top and into the opponent 's face .
11 If so , provide an opening yourself and as the opponent goes for it , rock back and punch over the top .
12 Even though it does seem to have taken over the house a bit . ’
13 Nor should you be disconnected for a debt owed by a previously registered consumer , but you must have made proper arrangements with the fuel boards to take over the supply .
14 Birmingham 's Snow Hill station closed after the LMR took over the old Great Western 's lines .
15 This pattern is made not only by the dancers ' feet as they move over the surface but also by the dancers ' bodies as they move through space .
16 When moving dancers from two feet to one in both open and closed sissonnes , the choreographer can make the movements dart over the floor as Aurora does in her final solo in The Sleeping Beauty .
17 ‘ Prices are used as a barrier so that the sort of people we do n't want go over the road , ’ he said .
18 They took over the wool shop next door to expand their stock and the surprisingly large upstairs restaurant , now spread over both stores , has attracted well-known food critics to this outof-the-way location .
19 Meanwhile Svidrigailov has taken over the suicide role , which is to say the blanket boredom has become positively terminal .
20 America is his favourite way of talking about the undiscovered country , and it shows that as well as suicide and blanket boredom he has taken over the flavour of Raskolnikov 's joke about getting used to family life .
21 Lizaveta once mended his clothes : when we puzzle over the chance-induced actuality of her murder being so largely left to speak for itself we are creating a false problem by the inertness of our own metaphor .
22 But turning over the pages of poor Hewlett 's unreadable but honest ‘ Song of the Plough ’ , one wonders about that .
23 Morris translated sagas , the Irish took over the business for a few years ; Henry James led , or rather preceded , the novelists , and then the Britons resigned en bloc ; the language is now in the keeping of the Irish ( Yeats and Joyce ) ; apart from Yeats , since the death of Hardy , poetry is being written by Americans .
24 The false idea is that French culture took over the leading position of Italy .
25 This was privately admitted by senior officers who took over the running of the fund two years ago , and after an inquiry by the Charity Commission more than £3,000 was repaid from regimental funds .
26 His place in the second row is taken by Scotland 's Damian Cronin , with England 's Rob Andrew taking over the captaincy .
27 Yet , if he refuses , or if he fails in any attempt , the banks could , in theory , take over the company which is in default of several loan agreements .
28 Whether the government , which is collecting the money from the sale of the villas , was hoping Prince Sihanouk would come back , or whether no one dared to take over the house , Mr Sok Hay would not say .
29 It was a triumph that also set up the Kiwis nicely for a surprise win over the seventh-seeded Italians .
30 All this is followed meticulously if at a respectful distance by Doolittle 's seven-piece band , written for with a sure ear for tonal balance and a strong sense of the orchestra 's role as a virtual extension of the voice , but with little willingness to let the musical idea take over the action .
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