Example sentences of "seem [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I lay for what seemed hours on the bed , sustained only by cups of tea brought by an auxiliary nurse .
2 Then , it seemed hours later , when he sensed or smelt or somehow divined that he was almost at the road , there came , as likely as not out of his own imagination , the delicate sound of an indrawn breath .
3 I had been polishing it for what seemed hours and you could now see your face in it perfectly .
4 After about five minutes we went into the final check room where we stayed for what seemed ages , most of us in our pre-race trances now , nobody speaking , just moving about , staying loose .
5 It seemed ages before they sorted out the time .
6 I waited there for what seemed ages , and then they put me in a room on my own and told me to put on a paper gown .
7 After what seemed ages , Dustin thought he might be willing to co-star in John and Mary if only in gratitude for the bit of play-doctoring the two visitors had done .
8 It seemed ages since he 'd had anything to eat .
9 He recurled and waited , for what seemed ages .
10 them it , it seemed ages before they were going to be on their
11 Michele 's silvery-green eyes seemed to look straight into her brain , and for what seemed minutes , but could only have been split-seconds , Luce stood paralysed , before shaking her head .
12 By now , Joan Sims and Ken seemed birds of a feather .
13 To encounter a hairy elephant would be alarming ; but the dinosaurs caught and have held the imagination of us all because they seemed dragons .
14 It seemed ears ago now .
15 The universities there seemed models for British ones , and gradually the feeling gained ground that Germany was the intellectual centre of Europe — in science , in philosophy , in classical studies , in theology and in history Germans were making the running .
16 When at last she looked up , it seemed days , weeks later .
17 It seemed years .
18 It seemed years , ages later when she found herself picking up pieces of broken plate and wiping fried egg off the tiles — so that Gran , when she returned , would find the kitchen tidy .
19 Already the train-ride seemed years distant , like Wellport , like old age .
20 A genre that had grown out of the need for sensationalism did seem to be striking chords at a time of economic insecurity when cities seemed places of dislocation and when , if nothing else , there was a curiosity about how law-breakers operated .
21 When you stood in the Jungle , the house seemed dimensions away , as if , in order to get back indoors , you had to alter the way your mind worked , you had to think your way back in .
22 I scanned the faces of the two men who , suddenly , seemed strangers .
23 While there were fluctuations , it seemed officers in charge did not draw attention to the periods when dependency levels were lighter .
24 And the colours of the sky above them in the evening were ever-changing blues , greys and pinks so that the flamingos seemed reflections of it sometimes .
25 Some stores had started cutting prices before Christmas , but then it seemed customers were keeping their money in their pockets .
26 At the time it seemed things could get no worse but , inexorably , they did .
27 Just when it seemed things were going his way again this has happened . ’
28 'E 's keen on 'er , and she seemed ti be fond of 'im till 'e asked for 'er in wedlock . ’
29 Heavens , that seemed light-years away .
30 There seemed grounds for believing that the Thatcher government was , at least for a time , losing direction .
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