Example sentences of "[modal v] fill in [art] " in BNC.

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1 On each check the waiter or wine waiter must fill in the date , table or room number and details of the order and sign his or her initials or number ( Figs. 6.14(b) and ( c ) ) .
2 But in this sense , creativity of the writer also requires creativity from the reader , who must fill in the gaps of sense with an associative logic of his own .
3 So in other words it 's about an introduction an expansion and an end Now as I 've said tomorrow I 'll fill in a bit more detail on those so if you leave some some gaps there between those three sections .
4 I 'll fill in the figures .
5 If you give me the necessary details , I 'll fill in the order-form . ’
6 Erm let's face it it can be very tempting when the salesman thrusts the document under your nose , just sign here sir or just sign here madam , just a formality you understand , erm we 'll fill in we 'll fill in the details later .
7 Fine I 'll fill in the rest .
8 The way it works in three , is it only uses memory within these five hundred and twelve row boundaries , so any between one and five one two , five one three and one O two four , one O two five and one five three six and so on , it 'll fill in the gaps within those ranges , but not outside of those ranges .
9 I knew there would be some details that might fill in a few gaps and , indeed , I had not known that Mme G had kept in touch with Otto and that , prior to my arrival on the scene , he frequently drove over to Reine with tempting delicacies that Jean-Claude invariably refused to eat .
10 You might fill in a creation or save date , to pick out files either before or after that date .
11 Looking back at those debates on how we could fill in the time on our hands , the novelist Herbert Gold reflected that the Fifties were a time of ‘ happy people with happy problems ’ .
12 In the second : the obvious views , you could fill in the form for me .
13 The diagram has one segment filled in ; pupils could fill in the others themselves , working either in groups or individually .
14 Well , I 'd fill in the blanks as we went along .
15 After this he would fill in the forms with a loaded brush , slapping the colour on with a wonderful deftness of touch and sense of control .
16 During these pauses he would leer in the hope that his lady friend would fill in the gaps , thereby allowing him to save his energy for later .
17 For some time the advisory plans for London , the West Midlands and the Clyde Valley sufficed , the belief being that the development plans would fill in the detail and provide working arrangements to secure the intended redistributive objectives .
18 Then they used to put a thick layer round the sides to start with , then they would fill in the middle and keep that always stronger so that each layer er it curved .
19 i will fill in a little on Frank 's ( at lot has already been said by the new norwegian on the list … ) performance later with excerpts from Dagbladet of yesterday .
20 Once the topics are agreed , questions will be asked which will fill in the finer points of the hypotheses .
21 Then it will fill in the rest of the sky .
22 Later study will fill in the spaces with key words of lesser rank , until the whole topic is built up into a coherent and connected body of knowledge .
23 ‘ I told our friends here the gist of our conversation — no doubt you will fill in the details .
24 If the SPR identifier is acceptable , LIFESPAN will display the SPR title and the SPR originator , and will fill in the Basis with your SPR identifier .
25 If the SSR identifier is acceptable , LIFESPAN will display the SSR title and the SSR originator , and will fill in the Basis with your SSR identifier .
26 ‘ And you think knowing my birth sign will fill in the blanks ? ’
27 There is no contact-tracing as such , but , because it is felt that most of the problem is due to prostitutes ( an unlikely truth in any European country ) , the examining doctor can fill in a form which is then passed on to the police who will undertake a search .
28 The question is not whether they can fill in a simple series of figures , but whether they fully understand the implications of the choices they thus make .
29 Er so if you look at their smoking erm people can fill in a kind of smoking chart in which you look at that .
30 Or you can fill in the straightforward application form and everything will be arranged speedily by post .
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