Example sentences of "[modal v] find yourself in " in BNC.

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1 You should find yourself in a room with seven doors , the two lowest switch between each other , the next up contains a heart and a green blob , moving up again , the door on the left ca n't be opened , while the door to the right switches with the top door , the final door has three rooms .
2 At first you might find yourself in a ‘ virtual ’ room ; you would see the room and ‘ feel ’ you are there .
3 There 's still the strong possibility you might find yourself in court over your actions this weekend , and I can tell you that judges take a poor view of women who imagine themselves potential victims .
4 Simply click on your graph view and you 'll find yourself in something like a paint program .
5 Either way , you 'll find yourself in it right up to your neck , get my drift ?
6 A couple of miles further on and you 'll find yourself in a totally different world — a winter world .
7 With so much of interest to discover and such a wealth of magnificent coast and countryside to explore , within even an hour or two of home you could find yourself in a beautiful new world .
8 ‘ And if you 're starting without any cash flow , then you could find yourself in desperate trouble . ’
9 You could find yourself in the ludicrous situation where you have to take them out of the country for half-an-hour and take them back in again .
10 You could find yourself in greater difficulties later if you do n't grasp basic concepts and ideas in the early stages of the class .
11 ‘ You could find yourself in serious trouble . ’
12 You might walk down sombre corridors and gaze upon dim , seldom-used halls , and you might run your hand across the scarred surfaces of the old walls , and then , without the least warning , you would find yourself in a sun-drenched quadrangle , or a courtyard where gentians grew or mountain ash flared .
13 Turning right into Havelská Street you will find yourself in the middle of the St Gall area of the Old Town , part of the ancient marketplace founded in 1232 by Wenceslas I. In the 15C the marketplace was split in two by the building of stalls between today 's Rytířská and Havelská , hence the grand houses set on arcades in Rytířská and Havelská and the street of low houses between .
14 Doubtless you will find yourself in positions where what I 've said is worse than useless , and facing foes who have thought of tricks I would never have dreamed of .
15 Listen to almost any modern performance of troubadour or trouvère song … and you will find yourself in a sound-world of instrumental accompaniment that is more or less make-believe .
16 If you try to return to your BBCBASIC(Z80) program , you will find yourself in the same situation as when you left it .
17 The range is obviously very wide , and you may find yourself in a Greek tragedy , or even a modern ‘ exercise ’ play such as Games by James Saunders , where the student may add to the text by research material which can be incorporated in the project .
18 You may find yourself in dispute with management on what seems to you to be a fundamental point of principle .
19 You may find yourself in the midst of a lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request you made ( 'But you said another five minutes , mum ! ' ) .
20 If you are selling a house and buying another one , you may find yourself in a position where you have to wait for your purchaser to complete , whereas your new home is ready .
21 You have been fortunate enough to build up a reserve of savings over the years , or you may find yourself in receipt of an inheritance .
22 Jules laughed , but then added more seriously , ‘ Nevertheless , you may find yourself in a difficult position before much longer , Alice .
23 You keep on like this , and one day you may find yourself in my position . ’
24 You may find yourself in an established language school with a well-designed language course and well-qualified teachers .
25 You may find yourself in a situation where there is no language school , no textbook , and even no written form of the language .
26 ‘ Do as I say , Robyn , or you may find yourself in a whole load of trouble . ’
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