Example sentences of "[modal v] not [be] doubted " in BNC.

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1 Because the cause could not be doubted .
2 That there are severe limits to the extent to which such sympathy is to be extended need not be doubted given the Report 's general refusal to positively evaluate any culture seen as untouched by literature .
3 Such applications were prefigured by Michael Frayn some 20 years ago in his novel The Tin Men which features a computer programmed to pray , so that its orisons might bring down divine favour in accordance with Christian teaching : the computer having no selfish motives , its disinterested sincerity can not be doubted .
4 That his conversion was momentous for the church can not be doubted .
5 Nevertheless , Streibl recommended the Dietl biography as a ‘ highly interesting description of the life and personality of this general , whose excellent military abilities and achievements can not be doubted ’ .
6 Not that the other parties are n't full of the sweetest intentions — Mr Major 's determination to preserve the right of women to earn £2 an hour can not be doubted , nor can the sincerity of Mr Ashdown 's belief that women 's concerns should permeate every government department .
7 That Bukharin was preparing for a struggle with Stalin at this point can not be doubted and he was attempting to drum up international support among other parties of the Comintern .
8 That ideological and political imperatives underlay the plan of systematization can not be doubted .
9 Nevertheless , it can not be doubted that indiscriminate bombing of cities helped to prepare the ( a ) moral climate in which the atomic bomb could be used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
10 This can not be doubted — even though he soon overcame it .
11 Lauren Bacall can not be doubted .
12 It can not be doubted that the post-war black migrations have been of considerable economic benefit to Britain , just as the migrations from North Africa , Turkey , Greece and Italy have boosted the economies of Western Europe .
13 The capacity of the means of mass communication to convey these images of destruction and suffering can not be doubted , but there are two fundamental issues of broad political concern that remain unresolved .
14 That subletting was widely practised can not be doubted , for not only in the cases examined was the number of proven freeholds relatively small , but , even in regions where they were most numerous they still formed a minority of all holdings .
15 He knows pain ; he experiences pain ; pain is a reality that can not be doubted .
16 Even if this analysis is open to question at some points , it can not be doubted that some such metaphorical sense is the most natural one ( within the same writing as our text , Yahweh 's " ways " are clearly his " way of life " or " moral administration " at Isa 55.8 , 9 ) .
17 What can not be doubted is that Unionists , who had drawn level with the Liberals in 1910 , had made up more ground on them since .
18 It is difficult to say exactly what impact — if any — this shift is currently having on undergraduate curricula , but its future importance can not be doubted .
19 The public importance of these questions can not be doubted , but this is nothing to do with Miss T. as a private individual .
20 The exact relation of what we see on the vases to what was shown on the walls is something we shall have to consider , but that in some way these vase pictures do reflect the revolution in wall-painting can not be doubted .
21 It can not be doubted that the constable was ‘ on duty ’ when he stopped the cyclist , and he was no doubt under some sort of obligation to stop the cyclist to enable him to bring the defendant before the court ultimately .
22 Its central importance to the profession can not be doubted — the difficult task is to secure the balance between the diverse interests that make up out one profession .
23 Some complaints against FIS members had been lodged by the FFS , but the FFS leader , Ait Ahmed , said on Dec. 29 that " following the failure of some trends which claim to be democratic and opposition , the FIS is emerging as a democratic pillar whose … influence at national level can not be doubted " .
24 It can not be doubted that the Western emperors were , like the popes , sincere in their desire to exercise power justly .
25 This kind of ability is both envied and disparaged by many Continental musicians , and it can not be doubted that professional English singers often perform music which they have not had time to ‘ learn ’ in any sense of the term that a European singer would accept .
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