Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] gave rise " in BNC.

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1 There would have been no defence ( just as in Reg. v. Lawrence ) if the charge had been laid under section 15(1) and , as in Reg. v. Lawrence and the present case , it was the Crown 's resort to section 1(1) which alone gave rise to a legal problem .
2 Durkheim said that simple societies were held together by ‘ mechanical solidarity through likeness ’ : people were united by the similarity in the labour and the general social roles they performed , which also gave rise to a homogeneous conscience collective .
3 This was the simultaneous introduction of several indissolubly linked institutions : monogamy ( which later gave rise to polyandry and polygamy ) , the nuclear family , private property ( the property of the nuclear family ) , the change in the rule of descent from the female line to the male line , the subordination and humiliation of women , and the State .
4 In many areas local services were provided by numerous different authorities , which often gave rise to acute co-ordination problems .
5 Professor Gower noted in his review of investor protection , which ultimately gave rise to the FSA , that the aim should not be to protect fools from their own folly but merely to ensure that ordinary people were not made fools of .
6 And it was at this time , in 1910 , that Cubism entered its most ‘ difficult ’ or hermetic phase , which subsequently gave rise to so much misunderstanding .
7 The ‘ White Rose ’ itself evidently gave rise to rumours , widely circulating in Bavaria and in many other parts of Germany ‘ about large demonstrations of Munich students ’ , unrest , and even revolutionary feeling in Munich , ‘ and people were talking about graffiti and fly-leaf propaganda with a Marxist content on public buildings in Berlin and in other cities ’ .
8 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
9 Some 400 million years ago , they found ways of surviving out of water and made such a success of life in their new surroundings that they ultimately gave rise to the most numerous and diverse group of all land animals , the insects .
10 For reasons to be explained , the original legislation was found to be defective , and was amended in 1976 ( and placed into the legislative context of the Public Order Act 1936 ) , but even after amendment it still gave rise to complaints that it fell short of the aspirations of its promoters in its effects .
11 It inevitably gave rise to speculation amongst his companions .
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