Example sentences of "[prep] [art] tories ' " in BNC.

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1 He is blamed for the Tories ' allegedly disastrous campaign .
2 IN ORDER to find a precedent for the Tories ' four consecutive election vic tories one has to return to the politics of Regency England .
3 What accounts for the Tories ' success in winning again against the odds ?
4 They were asked to bring along prizes for the Tories ' Winter Ball , with the value of gifts reaching £5,000 .
5 You 're not on , we will not be made the scapegoats , with public sector workers will not pay for the Tories ' mismanagement of the economy .
6 ‘ No ’ campaigners at the 900-pupil comprehensive heralded the outcome as a significant one for the Tories ' flagship education policy .
7 He was also given a key role in the last election campaign as the Tories ' Mr Nasty who could be called upon to make all kinds of claims about Labour 's plans .
8 Later , on a visit to Stockton , Mr Hurd told shoppers at Dickens Home Improvement Centre he was feeling optimistic about the Tories ' chances in the General Election .
9 Mr Forman , 49 , only joined the Cabinet in April after the Tories ' victory in the General Election , following years in the political wilderness .
10 After the Tories ' loss of Newbury in the by-election on May 6th , and the death of Robert Adley , the MP for Christchurch , on May 13th , is that still true ?
11 Devonport 's chances are thought to have increased following the Tories ' disastrous performance in last month 's local elections in the South West .
12 THE NEXT Labour government will abandon the ‘ corrupt priorities ’ of the Tories ' education policies and make Britain the brains of Europe , Jack Straw , the party 's education spokesman said yesterday .
13 The review will lead to a ‘ green ’ White Paper , planned for publication next summer and likely to provide the kernel of the Tories ' next general election manifesto .
14 Law and order should be one of the Tories ' strongest cards , but record crime figures have tarnished their record .
15 Much of the Tories ' present difficulty is , in my view , caused by their having spent 16 months being politically correct themselves .
16 SIR — I like to recall a wry comment on the television programme That Was The Week That Was towards the end of the Tories ' last long period in office during the early Sixties : ‘ There 's only one thing that will make the Conservatives popular again — and that is the next Labour government ! ’
17 Ribble Valley achieved brief fame at the 1991 by-election when the Liberal Democrats ' Mike Carr captured one of the Tories ' safest seats .
18 1.10 am , Birmingham Selly Oak : Anthony Beaumont-Dark is one of the Tories ' most voluble MPs and if he loses the country will be a quieter place .
19 But this is probably the easier of the Tories ' tasks .
20 By 1974 , however , he despaired of the Tories ' ability to stick — like his Jocks — to their guns , and lamented the failure to market their new faith in unstuffy enterprise .
21 CHRIS PATTEN , the architect of the Tories ' glorious election victory , was in London this week , seeing the Prime Minister about his plans for Hong Kong .
22 But as he inspected the size of the Tories ' losses on May 6th even the home secretary , Kenneth Clarke , usually a man to find a silver lining in the blackest cloud , admitted that the government was in ‘ a dreadful hole ’ .
23 Could it be that the people of this country are storing up champagne to celebrate the wondrous event of the Tories ' being smashed at the next election ?
24 Despite the Tories ' achievements in the 1980s of trade union reform , privatisation and disciplined public finances , serious economic mistakes had been made since 1987 , and there had been ‘ fatal signs of hubris ’ , most notably the poll tax disaster .
25 If there is a single secret behind the Tories ' amazing , unprecedented four-timer it is this .
26 At the other extreme , the NOP poll for the Independent on Sunday — giving Labour a three-point lead and putting the Liberal Democrats on only 17 per cent — would likewise result in a hung parliament , but this time one in which Labour would be the largest party with 317 seats , compared with the Tories ' 296 and the Liberal Democrats ' 14 .
27 The final push — intended to win over waverers , particularly those considering voting Liberal Democrat — was given added impetus with the Tories ' final election broadcast last night , stressing Mr Major 's international role .
28 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
29 The findings are actually somewhat more encouraging from the Tories ' point of view than they appear on the surface .
30 But continued success in cutting tax rates is at risk from the Tories ' present policies .
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