Example sentences of "[adj] to mark [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a speech on March 30 to mark the Moslem feast-day of Lailat al-Qadr , President Hosni Mubarak made more direct criticism than previously of " religious fanaticism " which had strayed from the correct teachings of Islam , and " ethnic fanaticism " ( the latter an allusion to attacks against Coptic Christians ) .
2 Halstead Rotaract treasurer Emma Samms said : ‘ We thought we would do something different to mark the 25th anniversary of Rotaract . ’
3 A ceremony was held on Feb. 2 to mark the formal handing back to Nicaragua of 17 Soviet-made anti-aircraft missiles , out of a shipment of 28 sent to the FMLN by officers in the Nicaraguan army [ see p. 37956 ] .
4 In an address on Jan. 10 to mark the 24th anniversary of his accession to power ( on Jan. 13 , 1967 ) , President Gnassingbe Eyadema announced a political amnesty and a change in the financing of the ruling Rally of the Togolese People ( RPT ) , the country 's sole legal party .
5 This will culminate in a celebration in 1991 to mark the 50th anniversary of the start of the war in the Pacific .
6 The conflict between Walesa and Mazowiecki had overshadowed celebrations on Aug. 31 to mark the 10th anniversary of the " Gdansk accords " which had led to Solidarity 's foundation .
7 It was supposed to mark the 2,500th anniversary of the original Persian empire founded by Cyrus the Great in the sixth century BC .
8 The official council for the co-ordination of Islamic publicity organized a demonstration on Nov. 4 to mark the 12th anniversary of the occupation of the United States embassy in Tehran .
9 They will be staging a rally in the city centre on September 17 to mark the European Year of Older People .
10 The Mexican President , Carlos Salinas de Gortari , announced the decision in a speech on March 18 to mark the 53rd anniversary of the nationalization of the oil industry .
11 The opposition alliance , the Sacred Union , called for a strike on Dec. 5 to mark the theoretical end of the presidential mandate .
12 Celebrations on Oct. 3 to mark the first anniversary of unification were marred by about 50 attacks on immigrants throughout the country , in which at least 25 people were injured .
13 At celebrations in Asmara on Sept. 1 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Eritrean people 's armed struggle , the secretary-general of the provisional government of Eritrea , Issaias Afewerki , warned of " those Ethiopian forces who have started to mobilize and organize officially and clandestinely in the name of unity " and also of hostile foreign forces .
14 A general strike , called in the occupied territories on Sept. 9 to mark the 47th month of the intifada , was well supported .
15 They also pointed to what they claimed were morale-boosting concessions by the Soviet leadership to the armed forces , notably the promotion of Defence Minister Dmitry Yazov to the rank of Marshal on April 28 , and the holding of a big military parade in Red Square on May 9 to mark the 45th anniversary of the end of Second World War hostilities in Europe .
16 The Chinese authorities organized low-key celebrations on May 23 to mark the 40th anniversary of the " liberation " of Tibet .
17 Thousands of Swiss women went on strike on June 14 to mark the 10th anniversary of the country 's equal rights law .
18 All political detainees were freed in August 1989 to mark the sixth anniversary of Thomas Sankara 's military coup in 1983 [ see p. 32482 ] .
19 Alison Hardie spoke on ‘ Ji Cheng 's Yuan Ye ( The Craft of Gardens ) in its social setting ’ at a conference on the ‘ Authentic Garden ’ held in Leiden on 8–11 May 1990 to mark the 400th anniversary of the Leiden Botanic Garden .
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