Example sentences of "[adj] to perform [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
2 The second way by which BRAC gauged the effect of its Oral Therapy Extension Programme was by commissioning the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC to perform a study .
3 The crop failure was an unexpected turn of events rendering it impossible to perform the contract which was therefore frustrated .
4 The failure of the crop of Blackacre will render it impossible to perform the contract in the first example , whereas in the latter case the contract can be fulfilled by supplying potatoes from any source .
5 Glass gives up to 100 concerts a year and is coming to Europe in 1991 to perform the music from Powaqqatsi .
6 The central idea of kin selection is that a gene A , causing an animal to be more likely to perform an act X , may increase in frequency in a population even if act X reduces the individual fitness ( expected number of offspring ) of the animal itself , provided that the act increases the fitness of animals related to the actor .
7 Was he supposed to perform a Vibrancy now ?
8 It therefore appears reasonable to perform a maximin analysis for player II .
9 Since both treatments consisted predominantly of evening primrose oil , we felt it reasonable to perform an analysis with the two active treatment groups combined .
10 Sixty years ago C. J. Herrick , the American comparative anatomist , dubbed it the ‘ organ of civilisation ’ , and I have set myself the task of seeing how far our scientific knowledge of nerve cells might earn the neocortex this grandiose title : Would these nerve cells , as actors , be able to perform the play , ‘ Civilisation ’ ?
11 The existing knowledge about the employee from inside the organization makes it easier to decide whether he or she is able to perform the work well .
12 One detail needed confirmation , and Huy knew that he would not be able to perform the task himself .
13 Puppies that could formerly avoid electric shocks , were unable to perform the avoidance responses after several months of isolation-rearing .
14 For example , an employer who , without any attempt at an individual medical assessment , inaccurately pre-judges epileptic applicants for positions as being unable to perform the job , will have treated those applicants as disabled , even though in fact their impairments might not limit their major life activities at all or only to the extent that others react adversely to them .
15 In marginal cases , the court will have to be convinced that a substantially limiting disability exists but that , as a result , the individual is not so disabled as to be unable to perform the job in question .
16 said he was particularly pleased to perform the opening of the Chilton factory .
17 Thus it could be argued that a doctor is functionally more important than a nurse since his or her position carries with it many of the skills necessary to perform a nurse 's role but not vice versa .
18 There was evidence that in order to save both lives it was necessary to perform a Caesarean section on the mother .
19 This is the language component : it provides the activities which help participants to understand the business situation as presented through the Information File , the Video , and the Audio Cassette and to develop the skills necessary to perform the assignment .
20 Information having the necessary quality of confidence which is supplied by one party of a contract to another for the purpose of enabling that other to perform a contract will usually be subject to an obligation of confidence so that the recipient may only use it for the purpose of that contract .
21 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
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