Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to arrive at " in BNC.

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1 This is then deducted along with other allowances and deductions from total income to arrive at taxable income .
2 what weight of importance to attach to each criterion to arrive at an overall assessment for each axis .
3 The only proper way to arrive at sustainable definitions of good educational practice is by sharing and analysing ideas and values , marshalling and examining evidence , and applying both processes to the task of formulating principles .
4 The advantage however is accidental , and brings with it difficulties of its own ; assuming that matter , unlike ch'i , is inert until moved , it took some time to arrive at the thought of inertia as either rest or uniform motion in a straight line .
5 A calculation of the profit and loss account balance brought forward might then be performed and added to the retained profit to arrive at the carried forward balance .
6 The utilitarian theorists — such as L W Sumner and Joseph Fletcher — reject moral absolutes , but still rely on deductive reasoning to arrive at moral principles and are much given to abstract statements like ‘ a fetus is a human being which is not yet a person ’ .
7 So when I appeared on the scene and there were things about me which did n't stack up … well , it was a reasonable conclusion to arrive at .
8 The private sector will have an incentive to form an estimate of this policy rule and use the resultant knowledge to arrive at their subjective estimate of what they expect the money supply will be in period .
9 Instead their ill-paid labour means that the beans can be air-freighted at considerable cost to arrive at supermarkets with flavour and crispness intact .
10 The first person to arrive at the scene was a flying instructor who had run 300 metres carrying a fire extinguisher to the scene .
11 The cruiser Cumberland was the first ship to arrive at Tanjong Priok , the port for Jakarta , on 15 September , five weeks after the republic had been proclaimed .
12 Ironically , it may very well be that the potency of socialist realism is to be located precisely in this global strategy of revelation and disclosure rather than in any attempt to arrive at narrow prescriptive theories .
13 More generally one can say that for attitudinism ethical statements invite the hearer ( or perhaps the speaker when in discourse with himself ) to express his agreement or disagreement in attitude , or perhaps join in a shared attempt to arrive at some stable and better based attitude , towards what is in question , and that this is quite a different matter from any discussion concerning the psychological state , of approving or disapproving , on either the speaker 's or hearer 's part .
14 Every day St John taught one Bible lesson at the school , and Miss Oliver , who knew her power over him , always chose that particular moment to arrive at the school door , in her most attractive riding dress .
15 Further on , the road crosses open moorland to arrive at Grudie Bridge , which is not now the delightful picnic spot it used to be , the old stone bridge having been replaced and many of the noble pines sacrificed to road widening ; nothing , however , can diminish the majesty of Slioch directly across the water .
16 The ANC foreign affairs director , Thabo Mbeki , said that rival groups " must enjoy equal weight in the debate " and that " national consensus … is a critical element in the common effort to arrive at a new reality of justice and peace " .
17 This is particularly important since it locates a mode of production as an essential totality , and is thus not dependent upon this or that outstanding feature to arrive at a determination .
18 The articles of association say that the value will be fixed by the company 's auditors acting as experts and not as arbitrators , and there is no other way to arrive at the figure which follows the requirements of the constitution of the company .
19 The best way to arrive at that intelligence is through research .
20 Richard Rolle 's at times flamboyant attempt to arrive at a form of living which would express his compulsive and impulsive drive towards personal realisation of the love of God , brought the circumstances of his life into prominence .
21 The next train to arrive at Junction 9 and all road hazards to Toddington near Cheltenham , will be the 100 ton Flying Scotsman , bound for six weeks of steamy nostalgia at the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway , the GWR .
22 Following the same rules , we make the indicated pivot to arrive at P3/T4 in which θ = 5 > θ = 2 .
23 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
24 Similarly , more complex forms such as superpolyhedra can be directed through a modular structure to arrive at their duals .
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