Example sentences of "[verb] to free [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes were rolling with terror as she began to struggle to free herself from the tenacious , sucking mud — struggles that only served to hasten the process and cause her to sink at an even greater rate .
2 TOURING America with your home at your back is a popular option for familes and travellers on a budget who want to free themselves from the hassle of searching for somewhere to get their heads down each night .
3 Cherry tried to free himself from 20-stone Flashman , who tumbled to the ground , taking with him a handful of material from Cherry 's ripped coat .
4 While revenue contributions inevitably increased burdens upon ratepayers , and asset sales produced a ‘ once only ’ financial benefit ( as well as being politically unpalatable to many , notably Labour-controlled , authorities ) this was the perhaps inevitable response of local authorities seeking to free themselves from centrally-imposed borrowing restrictions ( as well as the high cost of borrowing after the mid-1970s ) .
5 Unconsciously perhaps Jeanne was seeking to free herself from her narrow and oppressively respectable bourgeois family .
6 There are suggestions both of imprisonment and refuge ; women marooned in their own glamour , yet struggling to free themselves of its oppression .
7 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
8 Her hair , red snakes struggling to free themselves from the hairpins , was the only vital thing about her .
9 After them the literary scene in Slovenia throughout the nineteenth century resembles that of many of the small nations of Europe struggling to free themselves from the shackles of the great multinational empires which straddled the continent from Finland to the Aegean .
10 She had twisted and turned , struggling to free herself to no avail , until a well-aimed kick had won her a temporary respite .
11 Still drugged with sleep , struggling to free herself from her half-dreaming state , Isabel 's eyes snapped open just as Guy released her mouth .
12 In this sense , social work has been struggling to free itself from the same trap as much of British industry .
13 After being among the first of the former Soviet republics to fight to free itself from the embrace of Moscow , it has now come full circle with the recognition that it must look East as well as West for its own benefit .
14 Rosie had bitten him twice in the past ; once when she managed to free herself by chewing through her tethering-rope , and once when she leaped through the window of Buddie 's jeep and chased him into the pig-yard .
15 Katherine struggled to free herself from those fingers which gripped her too fiercely , from that intelligence which probed into her .
16 In 1829 a convicted prisoner petitioned that he should have been allowed to free himself from a charge of robbery by rendering compensation .
17 In that case we should be back in something like the unsatisfactory position we were in before the introduction of comprehensive schools , when the least successful children were relegated to schools that were openly admitted to be inferior ; and it is likely that the ‘ good ’ schools would , many of them , choose to free themselves from their Local Authorities .
18 First of all he had to free himself of his arrangement with Paul Guillaume .
19 Mary Daly , in Pure Lust ( 1984 ) , a polemical book subtitled ‘ Elemental Feminist Philosophy ’ which explicitly and insistently refuses to fit the usual categories of what philosophy is supposed to consist of , argues that the passions and their relation to reason must be renamed , and thus reunderstood by women if they wish to free themselves from the constrictions inherent in the male naming of them .
20 These were the people who used that experience to free themselves from intellectual slavery to any party , but who did not lose the innocence of faith in the human capacity to change the world for the better .
21 There is increasing conflict between the church and state funding and we need to free ourselves from wingeing about the cuts .
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