Example sentences of "[verb] themselves familiar [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Concurrently with this programme the governors should be making themselves familiar with the roles of centrally based staff who could help them , such as special needs advisers , psychologists and support teachers , and seeking their help in interpreting the authority 's statements on policy and procedures .
2 Suggest that participants should make themselves familiar with the main issues beforehand — perhaps by reading this booklet or other books on the list on pp. 23–4 — so that the discussion will be based on adequate information .
3 Students should make themselves familiar with Traffic Regulations which are widely displayed throughout the University .
4 Those who enter a course leading to the qualifications awarded by a Professional Association ( such as Membership , Associateship or Fellowship ) should make themselves familiar with the regulations of that body , as it is their personal responsibility to comply with them .
5 All Certified Weighers should make themselves familiar with Section 20 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 , which is attached .
6 In the case of religious education the right of withdrawal is statutory and governors are recommended to make themselves familiar with the special status which is accorded to this subject in the national curriculum .
7 Dedicated enthusiasts will be able to make themselves familiar with the brighter galaxies , and use binoculars to make regular surveys of them in the hope of catching sight of a supernova .
8 They had had plenty of time to make themselves familiar with Amy 's background .
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