Example sentences of "[verb] been refused [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under section 7 of the Act of 1980 , the parent of a child who has been refused admission to an aided school is given a right of appeal to an appeal committee against ‘ any decision made by or on behalf of the governors refusing … the child admission to ’ the school .
2 A Muslim school in Yorkshire has been refused state funding despite staff protests that Christian , Catholic and Jewish schools are funded .
3 A YOUNG wife whose husband is in a coma after a road accident has been refused permission to store some of his sperm .
4 Mothers who 're campaigning to keep it open say demand for places is growing , but the school has been refused permission to expand .
5 The Church In Wales has been refused permission for a new church in the centre of Mynydd Isa .
6 We keep a note of any problems and arrange follow-up if necessary , especially where a module has been refused certification . ’
7 He has been refused bail and repeatedly protests about being held in the grim 13th Century jail .
8 Gosatomnadzor , the regulator which was given responsibility for civil and military materials last June , has been refused access to some military inventories .
9 If there were bouncers on mountains I would have been refused entry to the crags on more occasions than I care to recall .
10 For example , a retailer may have been refused access to a selective distribution network on grounds which his lawyers advise the retailer are inadequate .
11 After eleven o'clock some of them , having been refused drink , gathered around the ‘ Bullers ' Arms ’ , whereupon ‘ … the police were then called in , when several of the ring-leaders were taken into custody ; upon this a general cry of ‘ One and All ’ was given and a party of nearly 200 speedily gathered around the house , which they attacked , demolishing the doors and windows and succeeded in rescuing their companions ’ .
12 Above all we should resist it because it is really intended to allow legalised Euthanasia to sneak in by the kitchen window having been refused entry at the front door .
13 There were other reports that judges had been refused permission to appear on television in the early 1980s .
14 The students demonstrating on Jan. 7 had been refused permission to hold their rally in Victory Square in central Bucharest , the authorities having cited security concerns .
15 The ship had spent eight days searching for a port in which to dock , and had been refused permission to dock by the Aden port authorities on June 19 .
16 The Institute first considered the possibility of extending openness to disciplinary hearings at the request of Council member Douglas Llambias , after he had been refused admittance as an observer to the Disciplinary Committee hearing into the conduct of Polly Peck administrators Michael Jordan and Richard Stone ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 14 ) .
17 Its members occupied seats reserved for whites in a lunch counter at a Woolworth store in Greensboro , North Carolina , after they had been refused service .
18 They insisted she had insulted counter girls after she had been refused discount on a slinky black evening dress which she saw hanging on a rail in the fashionable Hyper Hyper clothes store in London 's Kensington High Street .
19 It turned out to be Terry Wade who had just heard that Trev Proby had been arrested on a number of theft and extortion charges , and had been refused bail .
20 Furthermore , an applicant who had been refused planning permission could appeal to the ministry .
21 In two test cases involving boys under the age of five , application to be housed had been made in the name of child after the parents had been refused accommodation .
22 The fighting , eventually suppressed with the aid of Interior Ministry troops ( OMON ) , appeared to be between supporters and opponents of the new coalition government which President Rakhmon Nabiyev had been compelled to accept in May ( and which had been refused recognition by Kurgan-Tyube 's neighbouring Kulyab oblast and by Khodjent oblast in the north — see also p. 38916 ) .
23 In early July UN chemical weapons inspectors led by US Maj. Karen Jansen had been refused entry to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Baghdad .
24 It emerged on July 21 that a Pakistani video film , International Guerrillas , portraying the British novelist Salman Rushdie torturing and killing Moslems and finally being struck dead by lightning , had been refused distribution rights by the British Board of Film Classification .
25 He ( ) had contacted them , but had been refused information although he could hire a video .
26 They somehow managed to persuade the owners , apparently it was and it was and nobody else had ever been allowed in this place not even erm historians who write about famous buildings , even they had been refused access !
27 He says over the last few years there 've been a number of applications by local people who live and work in the area and want to stay here and they 've been refused permission to build on their own land for single dwellings and we think it would be terribly unfair if Redlands could come in and build a whole new estate , doubling the size of the village .
28 Children with HIV infection or the children of people with HIV or AIDS have been refused admission at some schools .
29 People with HIV and AIDS have been victimised and abused at work — some have lost their jobs , some have had their homes attacked , others have been refused insurance and mortgages .
30 MIDDLESBROUGH have been refused permission by Millwall to play on-loan goalkeeper Brian Horne against Newcastle in the Coca-Cola Cup local derby tomorrow .
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