Example sentences of "[verb] not form [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This private proposal from a grouping of 10 of Britain 's biggest house-builders did not form part of the structure plan for north-east Hampshire , and was opposed by the county council as well as local residents .
2 MR JUSTICE MILLETT said that the particular question was whether a decision of a commons commissioner that certain land was not registrable as common land because it formed part of a highway was capable of giving rise to an estoppel per rem judicatam so as to preclude the landowner from afterwards asserting , in proceedings unconnected with the register , that the land in question did not form part of a highway .
3 The council contended that the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting that the road verges did not form part of the highway by the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner .
4 Early reconstructions of the temple placed these on square pedestals , but it is clear from the coins that the pedestals did not form part of the base of the columns .
5 While individual officers may indeed have been aware of this work , consideration of it did not form part of the policy-making .
6 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
7 In White and Collins v. Minister of Health ( C.A. , 1939 ) the Local Authority had certain powers of compulsory purchase in relation to land which did not form part of private parkland .
8 It is sitting as chairman or lay member of a tribunal which gives tribunals expertise , just as the senior barrister appointed to the Bench will soon acquire expertise in those areas of law which did not form part of his or her practice before appointment .
9 The Court of Appeal held that the oral statement overrode the exclusion clause which therefore did not form part of the contract .
10 Danckwerts LJ , giving the first judgment , first easily reached the conclusion that they did not form part of the structure and then went on …
11 According to the Body Shop , the Commission 's latest move undermines the claim of the UK Ecolabelling Board that animal testing did not form part of its remit .
12 In the same way , if , after an oral representation , the terms of the sale are reduced into writing which does not include the representation , this may indicate that it did not form part of the agreement .
13 In addition to those caused by serial parts being bound ( discussed above ) , difficulties were created ( a ) by applications for serials or serial parts which consultation of the catalogues would have shown did not form part of the Library 's holdings , ( b ) by the Library 's non-receipt of ‘ current ’ serial parts ( sometimes up to two years after their nominal date of publication ) , and ( c ) by lack of information in the Issue Hall concerning the precise location of particular serial parts .
14 If the string of letters were totally random and did not form words then the subjects could accurately report a maximum of three or four individual letters .
15 They point out that the bitumen consists of highly condensed aromatic hydrocarbons and abundant graphite : there are no detectable carboxyl groups and the bitumen did not form colloids .
16 A scale reducer contains polyphosphate crystals which modify the hardness salts so that they do not form scale .
17 In any case , many of the peoples with the simplest technology , such as the hunters and gatherers of Africa and Asia , are neither patrilineal nor matrilineal , and do not form descent groups of any type .
18 Rare species do not form part of the definition of a community , although it may be useful to state in which community the rarity occurs in order to fix its ecological preference .
19 Religious education and collective worship ( provision of which is compulsory under sections 2 and 6 ) do not form part of the National Curriculum .
20 Shares which the holder may or will be required to redeem are also not equity shares , since they do not form part of the residual interest in the company .
21 The calculations and specimen disclosures shown as illustrations [ … . ] are for general guidance only and do not form part of the [ draft ] FRS .
22 Deciphering the scripts of the ancients is not an easy business , especially if those scripts do not form part of the ‘ family tree ’ of any currently existing script .
23 At a time of growing interest in the art of cultures and societies which do not form part of the Western tradition , the Los Angeles County Museum is mounting an exhibition which will examine the affinities between modern and contemporary art and the work of naive or untrained painters not belonging to the sophisticated infrastructure of galleries , museums and other international art activities .
24 This is juridically an unsatisfactory explanation for those States where treaties do not form part of domestic law unless incorporated by legislation .
25 Those courts which do not form part of the Supreme Court of Judicature are collectively known as inferior courts .
26 On the other hand , there are in some cases statements of principle in general terms , which do not form part of the ratio decidendi and in others statements in dissenting judgments which it seems to me should be considered when the present question has to be resolved .
27 The nucleosomes are composed of two molecules each of H2A , H2B , H3 and H4 , whereas H1 and its variants do not form part of the nucleosome probably being localized at the internucleosomal level ( 2 ) .
28 The net assets attributable to the refining , marketing , shipping and other non exploration and production operations of Ultramar , which were acquired in December 1991 , do not form part of the Group 's continuing business and are included in the balance sheet as businesses held for resale .
29 Social anthropologists employ comparatively few technical terms which do not form part of the ordinary colloquial language to which they have been accustomed since childhood .
30 release of provisions from last balance sheet trading with other companies controlled by the vendors but which do not form part of the transaction
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