Example sentences of "[verb] for the tories " in BNC.

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1 He is blamed for the Tories ' allegedly disastrous campaign .
2 So far no party has really impressed Jim but he will vote for the Tories on April 9 , more to keep Labour out than the Conservatives in .
3 Even more interestingly , I understand that even some of Mrs Thatcher 's friends share this opinion and are proposing — some of them for the first time in their lives — not to vote for the Tories .
4 What accounts for the Tories ' success in winning again against the odds ?
5 You 're not on , we will not be made the scapegoats , with public sector workers will not pay for the Tories ' mismanagement of the economy .
6 The leaflet earmarked for the Tories will stress the earning potential of the arts , its management and marketing skills , and the usefulness of sponsorship .
7 It means that the 55-60 per cent of the electorate who voted against the Conservatives will get what they voted for , instead of the 40-45 per cent who voted for the Tories , putting them in power for five more unfettered years .
8 But danger still lurks for the Tories .
9 He stopped short of issuing a blanket backing for the Tories , saying he would vote Liberal Democrat in his own east London constituency because he still believed in proportional representation .
10 Held for the Tories by Dudley Fishburn since the 1988 by-election , it is vulnerable to a swing to Labour of 7.1 per cent .
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