Example sentences of "[verb] to a halt " in BNC.

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1 But , almost at the end of the ascent , there came a new series of alarming jerks and they juddered to a halt once more .
2 The plane juddered to a halt and the under-carriage noisily collapsed .
3 It took half a mile to come to a halt after the crash and the driver was treated for shock .
4 The decline in house prices is likely to come to a halt as vendors become more reluctant to accept distress prices .
5 Because of the way that the Moon moves in its orbit around the Earth , its place of rising on the horizon varies a little , each night moving a tiny amount further north until its position of rising seems to come to a halt ( a standstill ) before moving back southwards again .
6 Its first movement comes across in terms that are much too broad for my liking , and in places , such as after the change to five flats in the development ( 6′14″ ) , proceedings almost threaten to come to a halt so that the whole structure does not cohere .
7 The movement to re-examine curriculum and methodology , which has been shown to be characteristic of teachers and educationists since the end of the Second World War , may take a variety of different forms , and become associated with a number of different fashions and bandwagons , but it is unlikely to come to a halt .
8 The road to the Head winds from the coast , past Wastwater with its forbidding scree slopes , to come to a halt here , thwarted by the Scafell masses in all their stern grandeur .
9 If the conditions in which a lineage of animals lives remain constant ; say it is dry and hot and has been so without a break for 100 generations , evolution in that lineage is likely to come to a halt , at least as far as adaptations to temperature and humidity are concerned .
10 Although I must admit … ’ he paused to slow the car down before turning off the road to come to a halt outside an attractive inn , thatched , gabled and wooden-beamed , its façade ablaze with baskets of flowers , its forecourt furnished with long trestle-tables and carved wooden chairs .
11 Quite simply , I lost the magazine ! — the distribution is so sophisticated these days that there is a period of two weeks or so when our publication is in hands other than ours and all it needs is a breakdown in communications for the system to come to a halt with all parties oblivious to the standstill , which is what happened with the Autumn edition .
12 Once they were a couple of miles from the Manor , where the woods were at their most impenetrable , she reined in Moonbeam and drew to a halt in a little glade .
13 The men drew to a halt , removed their hats and caps but stood regarding him in silence .
14 As he approached , his mother drew to a halt , her face beaming .
15 As he drew to a halt in front of the boomgate he thought about the unacceptable quantities of low-level toxic waste being expelled daily into the atmosphere by avaricious chemical companies with scant regard for the safety and welfare of future generations .
16 The convoy drew to a halt in front of the hotel ; Whitlock jumped out of the limousine and looked around him slowly .
17 She turned as the car drew to a halt .
18 As they drew to a halt outside the house , old Peter came hurrying out to meet them .
19 Mait drew to a halt , Henri , Carrefour and Richmann pulling up beside him .
20 The taxi drew to a halt where a purple awning reached out to the edge of the pavement .
21 The car drew to a halt by a green sward of carefully tended lawn which ran down from an impressive-looking office building towards the river .
22 ‘ Ivy Cottage , ’ Fen said as the car drew to a halt .
23 The cab drew to a halt , and Grunte , who was ten minutes early , let the meter tick away as he watched the girls bending and stretching to the commands of a whistle-blowing games mistress .
24 His car was instantly recognizable , as was his profile , so by the time he drew to a halt there were three men waiting to do his bidding .
25 Instantly , she felt herself tense and the butterflies in her stomach grow stronger , as the immaculately shiny black Mercedes headed swiftly for the forecourt below her and drew to a halt with a splutter of gravel .
26 The car drew to a halt alongside the front door , and an instant later the driver 's door swung open .
27 They turned in through a pair of eagle-mounted gateposts , then at the end of a long driveway at last drew to a halt .
28 At the end of the wide driveway Guido drew to a halt , and instantly the blue front door burst open and a brightly smiling young woman appeared .
29 He leaned forward , saying something to Jesus , and seconds later the car drew to a halt in a lay-by .
30 It was with a deep sense of relief that Rory reached Candy 's road and drew to a halt before the building where she lived .
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