Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] claim that " in BNC.

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1 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
2 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
3 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
4 We may defensively claim that it was the right thing to do at the time .
5 Rival ministers must even claim that heavy spending in one area is holding back growth in others .
6 The Karma of the Eastern mind is so similar to the interdependent forces that scientists such as Schrodinger claim are both the stuff of matter and the stuff of thought , that Yogis might rightfully claim that karma does exist because Western science has proved it .
7 In fact as well as fiction the Victorian house had become more private than its Regency predecessors ; one might even claim that it had developed distinct symptoms of Wemmick 's siege mentality .
8 A 300 million fund was therefore established for making ‘ payments ’ ( as distinct from compensation ) to owners who could successfully claim that their land had some development value on the ‘ appointed day ’ — the day on which the provisions of the Bill which prevented landowners from realising development values came into force .
9 Although the defence of the West depended primarily on the American nuclear umbrella , he could justifiably claim that there was a wide measure of agreement in Britain that the country must possess ‘ an appreciable element of nuclear deterrent power ’ of its own .
10 With Deana still listening , she could scarcely claim that he had misheard .
11 Thus we could not claim that an adult must have seen a speck of dust at a range of more than a foot or so , whereas birds could be said to see a small insect at 400 metres .
12 So here ended my first tour and I could not claim that I ever actually had a clear view of any German target , save that which we did locate with the aid of Jimmy Marks ' experiment northeast of Rotterdam in mid-June 1940 .
13 Afterwards , he could always claim that it was sent to an old or wrong address by mistake , or that it must have got lost in the post .
14 De Gaulle could legitimately claim that the result was the most lukewarm endorsement conceivable ; this did not alter the fact that it marked a personal setback for him .
15 The men guilty of these outrages did not even have the excuse of their European counterparts , who could sometimes claim that wartime bombing had flattened the great stations which they were replacing .
16 By 1992 the Treasury could safely claim that the UK 's top rate of income tax at 40% was below that of its major competitors , as can be seen from Fig. 16.6 .
17 Indeed without any wish to evade my responsibility for subsequent events , I think I may fairly claim that in everything I did in re Karen and her husband I was market-led .
18 He need not claim that there are two words and in English , one meaning simply that both conjuncts are true , the other having the same meaning plus a notion of sequentiality .
19 It may even claim that it has had more complaints of bias from the Labour Party .
20 They may well claim that such commitments would result in bankruptcy , but if that were the case ( and it seems unlikely ) , the case for a lesbian and gay politics that addresses problems in our social structures remains a strong one .
21 EVEN Arsenal , who carried the distinction back to London , would not claim that they played well enough in Glasgow last night to be the undisputed champions of anywhere , no matter the vainglorious subtitle given to this friendly .
22 EVEN Arsenal , who carried the distinction back to London , would not claim that they played well enough in Glasgow last night to be the undisputed champions of anywhere , no matter the vainglorious subtitle given to this friendly .
23 However , I would not claim that these displays have any culturally mediated symbolic meaning , as do the myths and rituals which bind human groups .
24 On the other hand ( there is always another hand in these matters ) I would not claim that , because I could explicate my own novel line by line , that is all it could mean , and I am well aware of the danger of inhibiting the interpretive freedom of the reader by a premature display of my own , as it were , ‘ authorised ’ interpretation .
25 Even if it began to howl or to wave its rattle , we would hardly claim that by so doing it was discriminating between the items mentioned and a myriad others ; indeed it would be odd to talk of its discriminating at all .
26 Nobody would ever claim that a bacterium was a conscious strategist , yet bacterial parasites are probably engaged in ceaseless games of Prisoner 's Dilemma with their hosts and there is no reason why we should not attribute Axelrodian adjectives — forgiving , non-envious , and so on — to their strategies .
27 Not even the most unreconstructed Keynesian would ever claim that the General Theory was an easy read .
28 However , recently a spokesman for a well-known oil company claimed that they were really the Davids in this country and that the boot WAS on the other foot' Doubtless , central and local government would also claim that they are simply the servants of the public and not their masters .
29 They would also claim that such forgiveness is important in their lives for , without the forgiveness of God and each other , it is seen as impossible to be reconciled with God .
30 Indeed most providers would now claim that they do take account of the wider population .
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