Example sentences of "[conj] aim [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Physical activities can also sometimes cause difficulties since restricted visual fields can make it difficult for a child to catch a ball , wield a bat effectively or aim at a goal .
2 I 'll do my best and aim for a sixty-three . ’
3 This interest in national subjects could have led to cosiness as it tended to during Balcon 's time at Ealing Studios , but at this period he was under pressure from the Ostrer Brothers to maintain a diversity in his output and aim for the international market .
4 Now close your eyes and aim for the bull !
5 When you eat and how often you eat is entirely up to you as long as you keep to the correct calorie total and aim for the right fibre total .
6 WISE CHILDREN Angela Carter Carter 's obsession with performance gets a final airing as twin sister vaudeville actresses go to Hollywood and aim for the big time .
7 Continue on this track , cross Mill Clough and go on past Knipe Farm and aim for the corner of Fernlee Reservoir .
8 But in our time this great complexity has been reduced , in virtually all states , to a gratifying simplicity : for power to become authority , it must originate in ‘ democratic consent ’ and aim at the ‘ common good ’ or ‘ public interest ’ …
9 For U K P L C to succeed in the years ahead , we simply have to agree objectives , navigate by the same map , and aim at the same goals .
10 Get onto the moorland by a stile on the far side and aim towards the right hand edge of the forest about 100 yards away across the valley .
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