Example sentences of "[conj] turned towards the " in BNC.

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1 The trainer , watching the race on a television screen in the weighing room , had gazed in silence until the field reached the top of the hill and turned towards the stands for the last time .
2 He decided against a tram and turned towards the underground station at the Wittenberg Platz , a neo-classical building complete with the purity of doric capitals and pediment .
3 The three men watched the animal snuffling among the elder and then , satisfied that he would nibble at the leaves , they left the stable and turned towards the house .
4 He closed the door and turned towards the stairs .
5 D'Arcy replaced the receiver and turned towards the expectant faces .
6 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
7 Paul is castigated and his followers are said to ‘ have abandoned the religion of Christ and turned towards the religious doctrines of the Romans ’ .
8 Bernice flashed an apologetic smile to the Doctor , and turned towards the young couple .
9 Frick and the others slipped the protectors over their heads and turned towards the table .
10 ’ All right , ’ I muttered at last , and turned towards the disposal to jettison the bug .
11 The old man dug his fork into the manure pile and turned towards the buildings .
12 The other nodded and turned towards the door .
13 Whether Taheb had divined this , he did not know , but as she rose to leave , she linked arms with the girl , and turned towards the gate .
14 ‘ This looks suitable , ’ he said , and turned towards the entrance .
15 Neil dropped his cane , and turned towards the victim , now transformed into her attacker 's Nemesis .
16 He ambled over to the nearest tree — happily some metres from where I stood hidden , and turned towards the tower .
17 I poured a Bushmills into a glass and turned towards the fire .
18 He stood and turned towards the front of the house .
19 He took a rasping breath , dropped her hand and turned towards the fireplace .
20 She closed the door gently behind her and turned towards the road .
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