Example sentences of "[adv] targeted [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But M3 was not successfully targeted in the early Thatcher years .
2 In the emergence of this ‘ young generation ’ of independent means lies the early identification of the sector of the population which was to be so effectively targeted by the market in the postwar era .
3 A belated but growing recognition of both of these problems has seen the development of some special initiatives designed to relieve them ; it is too early to tell whether sentencing trends can be reversed but there are early indicators with the under-21s , who are being especially targeted by the probation service in offering courts non-custodial options , that are encouraging .
4 Nizan 's fundamentally manichean personality , his realisation after his return from Aden in 1927 that he had been duped by the alienating structures of the bourgeois educational system , his visceral hatred of a bourgeois class suddenly targeted as the principal enemy , the source of his own alienation ( " I must no longer be afraid to hate .
5 These measures will add significantly to the protection which our legislation already provides against strikes which are deliberately targeted on the life of the community .
6 But , while Mr Lilley 's £80bn social security budget is being specially targeted by the Treasury , other ministers will have to find deep cuts in their budgets if they are to avoid higher taxes .
7 But , while Mr Lilley 's Continued on Page 2 Continued from Page 1 £80bn social security budget is being specially targeted by the Treasury , other ministers will have to find deep cuts in their budgets if they are to avoid higher taxes .
8 All this information helps the manager/proprietor to pinpoint his or her prime markets , so that advertising and mailing can be more targeted in the future .
9 Hartlepool and Durham are also targeted for the scheme .
10 Their product — stock and services — was carefully targeted to the many different client groups in the school .
11 of the working population and are carefully targeted on the areas most in need .
12 Most of the financial systems now targeted at the Unix market have grown out of software that was originally designed for use on PCs , or ported across from older mainframe systems and out of date mid-range platforms .
13 This is especially true of those pubs now targeted by the breweries as centres for family eating .
14 The Whitbread Group of Hotels incorporates three different types of hotel — Travel Inn in the budget category , Lansbury Hotels which are mainly targeted at the business user , and Country Club Hotels , the leader in leisure-based conference venues .
15 Mr Edmonds quoted a study by the National Institute for Social and Economic Research which concluded that Labour 's proposals were ‘ surprisingly well targeted on the poorest families . ’
16 Whisky companies were not specifically targeted for the survey as comprehensive statistics on Scotch whisky exports are obtainable from the Scotch Whisky Association .
17 While Stormont has not been specifically targeted by the IRA in the past , it is acknowledged that it is vulnerable because of the relatively open nature of its layout .
18 We will have new money coming into the county , specifically targeted by the government , which we will spend on homeless mentally ill people , Day Care , developing an even a much better social work service for people across the county .
19 Of course , the analysis is sensitive to the impact of the central government tax cuts : if these were actually targeted on the poor , they might reduce the initial constraint on local taxation to which the median voter adheres .
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