Example sentences of "[adv] reminded him of " in BNC.

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1 She rose on to her knees and looked as though she was praying , but her eyes were fully open and the clenched look on her remarkably white face with its mannish black eyebrows suddenly reminded him of her dead mother .
2 Nevertheless , it did add to royal pressure upon the archbishop and further reminded him of the realities of royal power : in 1285 he petitioned for the relaxation of the statute , especially in respect of grants to parish churches , but Edward reserved his right to licence — to confer or withhold favour .
3 The sight of an open pub told him how much time had passed and also reminded him of his normal comfort in moments of stress .
4 It now reminded him of his first visit to DEEP .
5 In 367 Pelopidas at Susa , asking for a peace treaty from Artaxerxes II , even reminded him of Thebes ' traditional friendship with Persia .
6 For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there .
7 The journey in Howard 's car forcibly reminded him of that limitation , however , as he struggled to get the thing going over thirty miles per hour .
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