Example sentences of "[adv] in the 1930s " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly in the 1930s the demand for their goods had become much less .
2 Japanese whaling greatly expanded , especially in the 1930s .
3 I was n't doing anything to speed up my role as a would-be doctor , so during my last year at Oxford , where I had planned to stay for three years before going to London for the real hard medical training , I arranged ( again through Dr Allott ) to spend my final long vac helping out as a general dogsbody at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London , where there was a special unit investigating Heine-Medin 's disease , the original name for polio , and — especially in the 1930s — doing research into the spinal aspects .
4 Like most of Karajan 's judgements , it is rational and soundly based , though it will always disappoint English music-lovers for whom the early 1950s Philharmonia was a high-water mark in the country 's orchestral affairs , matched only by such other brief periods of glory as those enjoyed by Beecham 's LPO and Boult 's BBC SO in the 1930s and the LSO in the Monteux , Kertész , and early Previn years .
5 It was only in the 1930s , in Oxford , that lysozyme was isolated and crystallized , and its exact mode of action determined , as described later in this chapter .
6 It was only in the 1930s that the attitude of the Government towards the growing international crisis forced the LNU to choose between its two roles .
7 Although electrical excitability in the nervous system had been demonstrated before the beginning of the nineteenth century , it was not until the late nineteenth century that it was shown that the brain was spontaneously electrically active Jeannerod 1985 ) , and it was only in the 1930s , after the invention of the valve amplifier , that it was possible to make meaningful records of this activity .
8 Nor should we suppose that T. S. Eliot was just firing off his big guns against R. A. Butler 's wartime Education Act of 1944 , for already in the 1930s there had been widespread criticism of ‘ standardisation ’ and ‘ levelling down ’ .
9 Already in the 1930s government was having to cope with this decline , and ventures like the Team Valley Trading Estate at Gateshead and the new iron and steel works at Ebbw Vale were testament to the need for regional support .
10 Because towns and cities had grown too rapidly in the 1930s , it was decided to restrict the growth of cities and to disperse populations into new towns .
11 His wife Renée , was a cousin of Sigmund Gestetner , who emigrated to England early in the 1930s and made a personal fortune with the copying machine that carried his name .
12 Also in the 1930s came Prince Henry , Duke of Gloucester , and Prince George , Duke of Kent .
13 Also in the 1930s and 1940s , as has been argued in the last chapter , such scholars as Lazarsfeld , Thurstone , Likert , Stouffer and Guttman had begun to develop a quite different approach to attitudes than had previously been considered .
14 In plots and themes they form a bridge from The Lost Prince to the more obviously juvenile world of adventure which Arthur Ransome and others opened up in the 1930s .
15 Essentially , there had grown up in the 1930s a system of subsidies which enabled milk to be bought cheaply by local education authorities for distribution ( free or at minimal cost ) to children .
16 To adapt Orwell 's last sentence , it is almost impossible to say which was which , so profound and intimate are the links that bind the intellectual socialism of the early twentieth century to the National Socialism that sought confidently in the 1930s to replace it .
17 He told me how , at one point in his life , presumably in the 1930s , that he was searching for a new purpose and direction in his life ; one offering greater personal fulfilment .
18 In the centre of the formal gardens laid out in the 1930s is the Singing Fountain by F. Terzio , cast in 1564–8 .
19 There is an extensive rose garden , separate from the Observatory , laid out in the 1930s .
20 It should be recognized that floating exchange rates have usually been adopted ( e.g. in the 1930s and since 1973 ) when adverse conditions have caused a breakdown in the prevailing system of fixed exchange rates .
21 And one is conscious as Pierre Gemayel speaks — unfairly perhaps but the parallel is there — of another , infinitely more vulnerable minority which another government blamed , back in the 1930s , for its own social ills .
22 The possibility of a bypass was first mooted back in the 1930s , but the notion was recently resurrected as a solution to the picturesque village 's traffic problems .
23 Back in the 1930s two doctors by the names of Morin and Bachrach discovered to their surprise that the note of E of the fourth octave had the effect of making young cats defecate and adult ones become sexually excited .
24 The Peke-faced cat was known back in the 1930s , but the other three were all discovered in the 1960s and were quickly established by enthusiastic local breeders , delighted to be founding new lines of pedigree cats .
25 This was the railway which the churlish Beachcomber , back in the 1930s , prayed might never bc finished , because its only use would be ‘ in order that a herd of bored fools may get more quickly from one cosmopolitan cesspit to the other ’ .
26 I know back in the 1930s Bradford City had a full back called McLuggage , but surely not even Reg believes that somewhere out there is a left back called Halfpound O'Liver .
27 When I was told this , I recalled hearing it said , back in the 1930s , that these visits had been observed by a young writer or two who , out of rather callous curiosity , would follow Eliot at a discreet distance , and observe him to turn round , as he approached the door , in order to see whether anybody had been spying on him .
28 It replaced square and rectangular section spar material sometime in the 1930s , and the only changes that have arisen are in the timber used and the sizes .
29 Though Labour 's success was limited to , and by , its parliamentary approach , it used its enhanced relationship with the working classes to develop , particularly in the 1930s , policies to deal with the unemployed , fascism and the Spanish Civil War .
30 Particularly in the 1930s significant shifts in popular attitudes affected political postures , and for a variety of reasons there were calls for increased public sector intervention in a range of national economic and social affairs .
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