Example sentences of "[pron] long for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I long for a blockbuster that 's also good writing . ’
2 ‘ How I long for a return to wingers , all-out attack — and entertainment . ’
3 I long for a more matter-of-fact , common sense approach to environmental action .
4 Do you know , I long for a family more than anything in the world ? ’ she blurted out with an intense yearning .
5 ‘ Oh , I do n't mind , ’ said Ianthe , watching an old woman watering plants on a nearby roof ‘ How I long for a cup of tea ! ’ she went on , coming back into the room .
6 I long for the protection of a written constitution like that of the US with its First Amendment , which elevates freedom of expression above freedom to hide from intellectual challenge , or even vulgar verbal abuse .
7 I long for the day when those in authority will be united in a common quest to win the lost without worrying about the style of Anglican worship ; when they will see that a prime means to evangelise our nation will be to plant churches and encourage it without worrying about parochial boundaries .
8 But if you want real change , if you long for a better future for yourself , your family , your community and your country , then read on .
9 You long for a recognisable villain .
10 So while the Paseo feel safe and secure through corners , you long for the poise and quick reflexes of a CRX .
11 He adds : ‘ If you long for the day when Britain can claim to be the first mainly Afro-Asian part of Europe , vote Conservative or Europe . ’
12 Perhaps if we are American we long for the early seventeenth-century Puritan theocracy of New England .
13 At home we have an impressive library of books , carefully selected to give our children the widest possible view of life : black families , single fathers , working mothers , girls rescuing the western world single-handed and boys moping in corners because they long for a doll .
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