Example sentences of "[pron] summed up the " in BNC.

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1 The workshop was convened by Graeme Pearman , an atmospheric chemist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 's Division of Atmospheric Research at Mordialloc , in Victoria , who summed up the issues .
2 Smith , who summed up the philosophy as one of ‘ Discipline and Religion ’ , hoped that by emphasizing masculinity and the becoming of ‘ Christian men ’ , the boys would come to see the ‘ manliness of Christianity ’ and that this would counter their tendency to regard it as ‘ effeminate and weak ’ , an idea which seemed to be too popular .
3 I feel you summed up the points we discussed very fairly and produced two worthwhile and coherent papers .
4 The results of their labours appeared in the party press in 1989 ; they summed up the perspectives of the most strongly reformist section of the social science community .
5 It summed up the situation perfectly .
6 When Reynolds 's Newspaper ( 9 November 1856 ) tried its hand at a garotting song , it summed up the feeling well enough :
7 Mr Chris Patten , the Environment Secretary , said he was sure Mr Chope could reply comprehensively when he summed up the debate .
8 He summed up the system of increasing productivity plus high-pressure advertising and salesmanship , plus mass communications , in the word Admass — ‘ the creation of the mass mind , the mass man . ’
9 In February 1922 , Hitler told his SA that the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was the only thing that mattered , and a few months later he summed up the entire Party Programme in the one point : that no Jew could be a ‘ people 's comrade ’ .
10 He summed up the benefits of open systems to Harris as including a reduction in operating costs of between 60% and 75% , functional staff reductions of between 20-50% , software maintenance savings of between 50% and 60% and cost avoidance in the region of $250m to $300m , this being based on the cost per MIPS of a mainframe , $44,300 , compared with a workstation server of $761 per MIPS .
11 He summed up the disseminated structure of his novels ( often in his case a necessary result of serial publication , but also probably a matter of personal preference ) , in the same work , when he compared the chapters of a novel to a convoy of vessels and himself , the inventor , as a man-of-war turning attention now to one ship , now to another , in order to bring them all safely to port .
12 The verdict It wants greasin ’ was repeated to the dealer ; but as he was a Suffolk man himself he summed up the situation in a moment .
13 He summed up the visit by saying
14 NOTHING summed up the supremacy of the Canon Williams Renault team this season more completely on Sunday than Ayrton Senna 's early and silent exit from Interlagos as Nigel Mansell and Riccardo Patrese lapped the field on their way to a third successive one-two triumph in the Brazilian Grand Prix .
15 It never crosses Hoving 's mind that Ingres is an artist by whom it is impossible to own too many works — nor , for that matter , that the ‘ uninspired portrait of the Marechal Count Gerard , which to me summed up the pomposity of Bonaparte 's court ’ ( one of the Ingres mentioned in Hoving 's list ) is in fact a fine , signed and dated , late work by Jacques-Louis David !
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