Example sentences of "[pron] watched him go " in BNC.

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1 That would be loss enough if I watched him go with only longing for him in my heart but there is instead a bitterness because he is happy to go life there being preferable to here where there is only his tired wife for company .
2 ‘ It 's time you went , ’ I said as I watched him go but I did n't mean it .
3 I watched him go round and , as it was my first year in the sport , I thought — so this is what FI is like , eh ?
4 I watched him go out , his hands in his pockets .
5 I watched him go in by his own back door and I hurried on home .
6 She watched him go back to the kitchen and when he had shut the living room door firmly , she sank down on the rug in front of the gas fire with her back propped against the armchair and sipped gloomily at the wine .
7 ‘ Aye , where else ? ’ she said as she , too , rose from the settle and returned to the couch , from where she watched him go to the box that was standing on the end of the sideboard , and from it take a piece of silver , then button his coat across his broad chest , take his cap from his pocket and , having put it on at an angle , salute her , saying , ‘ Your servant , madam . ’
8 Then he left her , and she watched him go : he had yellow hair , unmistakable yellow hair , and she said to herself , there goes a public school boy .
9 Eagerly she watched him go back and forth , back and forth , the thought-bubble getting brighter and clearer all the time .
10 She watched him go , realizing it was weeks since they had sat down for dinner together without an interruption , and over a week since they had made love .
11 She watched him go , noting at the same time that Rourke 's companion was no longer in evidence .
12 He marched over to the workroom , and she watched him go , her throat painfully aching .
13 She watched him go over to the coffee-machine hissing on a cabinet near one of the windows , saw him deftly take cups and saucers from a cupboard .
14 She watched him go down the steps .
15 The car drove off with a scream of tyres , and Fran shivered in sudden reaction as she watched him go .
16 There was such quiet authority in his deep voice that she nodded , instinctively obeying the command , remaining stiff and unfeeling as she watched him go back inside .
17 He turned abruptly away , and she watched him go along the ward to the office , a strange feeling inside her .
18 She laughed as she watched him go .
19 He deposited her case at the front door then strode back to his car , and she watched him go with hatred , her eyes moving over his powerful body , so lean , so tall , so impeccably dressed .
20 She tried to look uninterested as she watched him go up to Helen and Edward , but when , after a minute or two , he turned and walked purposefully towards her , she knew a moment of near-panic .
21 As they watched him go , Connor said , ‘ It makes you think .
22 ‘ How bad it would be , ’ Marty told himself callously as he watched him go , ‘ to have your bed and your bellyful and no worries at all ! ’
23 He watched him go to the bar and get a glass of wine , looked away , aware that he was approaching .
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