Example sentences of "[pron] at [art] mercy " in BNC.

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1 A system where the user presses a series of buttons without thought and gets exactly what he needs ( rather than what he at that stage thinks he wants ) is efficient but not entirely educational , any more than one so difficult that the user could only throw himself at the mercy of the person sitting at the reader 's adviser desk .
2 Together with the abolition of the Wage Councils and the minimum wage , the working man will find himself at the mercy of the unscrupulous bosses .
3 No industrialist liked to put himself at the mercy of creditors .
4 Owen could hardly bear to look at her , so much was she at the mercy of the music , plunging with it into pits of despair , rising with it to heights of exaltation that were almost unbearable .
5 Wandering in the road , although giving you good all-round vision , puts you at the mercy , even late at night , of the local juggernaut or aspiring Grand Prix racer .
6 Mr Robertson told the second and final day of a hearing by the board 's video appeal committee that St Theresa was portrayed in mystical ecstasy — using pain to place herself at the mercy of her subconscious and thereby contemplate Jesus on the Cross .
7 His poor mother lacked her husband 's capacity for discipline , and found herself at the mercy of her headstrong son .
8 As she committed her life once more to God 's service at the conclusion of one of the big meetings an old retired officer who had been specially invited knelt next to her at the mercy seat .
9 It would have been just her luck if the damned thing had broken down en route , leaving her at the mercy of his unexpected return .
10 He was pessimistic about Britain 's economic prospects and felt that a free-trade policy would leave her at the mercy of economic storms like that of 1931 .
11 The drifting phase of its life puts it at the mercy of all kinds of hungry animals , from other stationary filter-feeders to fish , so in order that its species shall survive , a mollusc must produce great numbers of eggs .
12 Mrs Castle , as it turned out , had opposed this allowance , again on the characteristically doctrinaire grounds that an allowance which made it necessary for the disabled to purchase motor cars would place them at the mercy of the commercial interests of motor manufacturers .
13 Does he agree that it is now essential that he withdraw the Asylum Bill now under consideration and instead institute a proper system of legal appeal that gives automatic rights of appeal to political asylum seekers and does not leave them at the mercy of his erroneous decisions ?
14 Relatively ignorant , inexperienced and amateur politicians may find themselves at the mercy of the bureaucracies , which possess knowledge , experience and technical expertise .
15 Wounded men and prisoners could still have much to fear if they found themselves at the mercy of their opponents .
16 I 'm beginning to realize why perfectly sane people pitch themselves at the mercy of the elements miles from the security of terra firma , has provided the perfect resort for our first events of the .
17 Do a little homework before you put yourself at the mercy of a mortgage lender .
18 The subjective conviction of heightened awareness is so treacherous that to exempt it from the critical tests of reason is to put oneself at the mercy of chance .
19 We are all of us at the mercy of our adrenaline , and there is a very fine dividing line between being justifiably keyed up and ready to do your best and being rendered helpless by panic .
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