Example sentences of "[verb] detach [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 There was a tearing sound and a large piece of the black silk winding detached itself from her back and flapped wide .
2 I had done what a lot of people do when struck with shyness — tried to detach myself from a situation because I anticipated rejection .
3 Peter tried to detach himself from Molland as they left the solicitor 's office .
4 And then , before they quite met , the smaller shadow seemed to detach itself from the wall and move out into space .
5 In Lobophytum species , the process is not particularly dramatic ; the polyps withdraw , the body of the animal will deflate , looking as though it has collapsed , and then when it takes in fresh water to stiffen up again , a thin , transparent layer of mucus can be seen detaching itself from the surface of the coral , to be swept away by water currents , the whole process usually taking a few hours .
6 While Maureen , who raised the alarm , began to detach herself from the child she had taken home , returning it briefly to hospital , Marie held the infant she called Gemma tightly to her .
7 But soon she began to detach herself from the girls sitting hand in hand in the Bun Shop and from their faintly rebuking way of going at their books .
8 However , she said that she was quite happy to visualize the scene without having to detach herself from the reality of it .
9 However , for musicians to take advantage of such technology , they needed to detach themselves from the conviction that high-cost studio technology and expertise was essential for the production of successful and valuable recordings .
10 Edward , who appeared to have detached himself from the proceedings , stared out of the window .
11 From Central Office , and from around his entourage , came the unmistakable signs of fair-weather friends preparing to detach themselves from blame for defeat .
12 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
13 Not necessarily that of mother and son ; Steve had detached himself from that hook and would never be hung on it again .
14 They had detached themselves from the torrent of peoples that in prehistory had poured out of China onto the countless islands of the Pacific and , settling the eastern coastal strip of the Indochina peninsula , they had named their country Nam Viet — Land of the Southern Viet People .
15 Instead of feeding our fear , we must start to detach ourselves from it .
16 From a methodological point of view , Bortoni-Ricardo 's work is particularly interesting , because in developing these two types of index it extends the application of the network variable beyond an analysis of small closeknit groups to an analysis of the extent to which individuals have detached themselves from such groups .
17 In the short run it attempted to detach itself from its ‘ extremist ’ wing — more properly , those sections of the Labour Party which the right-wing popular press considered extreme — on the grounds that the ‘ loony left ’ cost it electoral votes .
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