Example sentences of "[verb] let [pron] see " in BNC.

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1 Maximum fun all the way , a large part of which is our rightly famous programme of Days and Nights , designed to let you see the very best of whatever 's on offer wherever you are .
2 And I says let us see , and she 's and I says now keep back and I rung Don and explained and the doctor said Jean just ring for an ambulance .
3 He said they were good to him whenever they saw him but often he did n't choose to let them see him .
4 Fighting an impulse to back away , Gina forced herself to hold her ground , refusing to let him see how his nearness made the hairs on the back of her neck rise in anticipation of conflict .
5 Refusing to let him see any trace of fear in her eyes , she squared up to him , pride stiffening her spine .
6 To her horror she felt the sting of tears in her eyes and looked away again , refusing to let him see her moment of weakness .
7 Even that slight contact sent a shudder through her body , but she fought it , refusing to let him see how he could move her .
8 That 's it , though he does n't go as far as refusing to let you see his picture .
9 It would n't do to let him see her relief and gratitude .
10 None the less , he wrote , I should not have let her see it .
11 There are very many more species , but I believe enough have been indicated to let you see that the rose is by no means restricted to the Hybrid Tea — there are many other kinds to provide variation and interest .
12 ‘ She confessed she had not meant to let me see it or sign it and said Joseph had promised to take it to America and sell it under her own name .
13 Every time she shouted at him or reacted to something he had said , it seemed to reveal something she had never meant to let him see .
14 Who , in one swift , unexpected movement , had let her see that he was as vulnerable as she ?
15 She had let me see a draft of it , and I fancied that she had been a little timid about the dénouement , which was death in a motor accident , and feared that her own terrible anxiety over her son in the past might have inhibited her .
16 I could n't bear to let you see me so upset .
17 There are certain files I refuse to let him see .
18 ‘ I 'll not let you go until you promise to let me see you . ’
19 She was the one who refused to let me see my father . ’
20 Some dragon of a receptionist refused to let him see her boss without an appointment .
21 The Department refused to let us see the representations .
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