Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] accountable [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas the convention of ministerial responsibility holds ministers accountable for all departmental work ( see Chapter 14 ) , the FMI assigns to departmental cost-centre managers responsibility for securing value for money .
2 These set out prices , treatment levels and quality standards and enable purchasers to hold providers accountable for their performance .
3 With the document being debated this week , we should beware of making branches accountable to its members , and increasing the numbers to one hundred gives us a greater base to work from than fifty .
4 I believe there is an undeniable need for a code making managers accountable through an independent disciplinary body if they introduce measures detrimental to patient care , or attempt to suppress reasonable public criticism of such measures .
5 The pilot studies on management budgeting which tried to make clinicians accountable for a budget related to agreed workload targets demonstrated the difficulties of getting clinical cooperation on a voluntary basis and the massive efforts of persuasion and education needed for success ( Harrison et al.
6 It would begin to make industries accountable to consumers in a way that they patently are not at present ; the newly enfranchised shareholders would have the right to participate in elections to the board .
7 As described by Friedgut ( 1979 , pp. 249–56 ) , these were an attempt to give social norms the force of law and to make citizens accountable to each other .
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