Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] faster [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Daddy 's driven after you , but I did n't think he would catch you up because your car goes much faster than his . ’
2 The kustar' system , which recovered much faster than heavy industry , had 122 arteli in the city in 1922 .
3 Again , it would adapt much faster than a legal body .
4 One unexpected observation was that the carrion-eating bees have an exceptionally high proportion of queen to worker cells in their nests , apparently because their high-protein diet makes worker bee larvae grow much faster than those of other species .
5 The water from the lower source is emitted sufficiently faster than the main flow that it forms a turbulent jet .
6 In the early 1970s the price of investment goods rose slightly faster than the price of output , whereas in the 1960s the price of output had risen about 1 per cent faster than the price of investment goods .
7 And , just like a spent rocket , the plummet to earth is happening even faster than the upward rise .
8 Overall , therefore , hourly productivity probably rose significantly faster than yearly productivity , though measuring hours of work is difficult , especially in the self-employed sector .
9 Because the characters can be transmitted much faster than they can be printed they are stored , in the printer , in a block of memory known as a buffer .
10 Trained keyboard users can type much faster than humans write by hand , but speech is much faster than either of these for the majority of people .
11 Even if churches planted start very small , they can still grow much faster than larger ones .
12 The tendency to split up was strengthened by another result of the absence of involvement of the government in London : the colonists had to work out how to handle their local problems of administration and , while there was virtually no idea of challenging the power of the monarch in England , policies had to be decided much faster than the royal government could ever manage .
13 Librarians point out that for their part they receive fewer volumes for their money , since the prices of books over the same period have risen distinctly faster than retail prices as a whole .
14 ‘ I came out faster than anyone 's ever left before .
15 Meanwhile , some prices have risen even faster than rents , bringing lower yields .
16 The output of private presses , which was growing much faster than that of the party and the state , had to be monitored , and surpassed in quality by party organs .
17 Expert systems sales are growing much faster than the software business as a whole .
18 The student population at polytechnics is growing much faster than that of universities .
19 Roger Bootle , chief economist at the Midland Bank , argues that it will be difficult for Britain to grow much faster than its recession-hit EC neighbours .
20 The reason for the weighting of the stronger winds is to be found in the fact that their effectiveness increases much faster than their speed .
21 hang on to somebody elses tail lights , it gives us a false sense of security watch your speed , you may be going much faster than you think , do not speed up to get away from the vehicle which is too close behind you , remember that if you 're driving with heavy people it may take longer to pull up and speed on ahead , warning signals or
22 Unless you have to use PostScript for typographic reasons , you 'll find that TrueType fonts are every bit as good as PostScript ones and print much faster than PostScript , especially to a LaserJet .
23 However , with the main continental European economies unlikely to grow any faster than the UK over the next year or so , exports are not going to be a powerful recovery force for the economy or corporate earnings through 1993 .
24 In times of high inflation when prices are going up faster than you can save , it can be cheaper to pay interest charges than a higher price later on .
25 K being positive , it means that prices are going up faster than inflation .
26 And the plane 's going slightly faster than the Hercules or Andover .
27 money in but in actual fact it 's , it 's going out faster than it 's coming in .
28 Describing the market as ‘ unquenchable ’ , UK managing director of Precision Visuals , Nick Lewis , says the European market is growing proportionately faster than that in the US .
29 But the inward drift slows slightly as the extra dissipative losses are more than compensated for by the energy and angular momentum which the bar pumps in at this point — recall that the bar is here going around faster than the gas , so it has a tendency to spin the gas up as well as a tendency to cause it to radiate vigorously .
30 ‘ If we allow public spending to grow consistently faster than growth in output , then either public borrowing has to be increased or taxation , ’ he said during a debate on the policy review report Economic Equality .
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