Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at random " in BNC.

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1 We 've got a pile to give away to the first 20 correct answers ( picked out at random ) to the question : which of these movies was also directed by Van Sant ? a Drugstore Cowboy .
2 This — Francis 's first of more than thirty novels all loosely based on the racing world — has been picked almost at random , for each of them is masterful .
3 The books here have been collected entirely at random , as has been explained , but it is interesting to see that the arrival of the new media is reflected in some of them quite significantly .
4 I do n't know who it was first pointed out that , given enough time , a monkey bashing away at random on a typewriter could produce all the works of Shakespeare .
5 Field men know that pollution does not crop up at random and one of the arts of enforcement is to be in the right place at the right time — or at least to know where to look , for a particular problem in this form of enforcement is to forge a link between act or event and offender .
6 Simultaneously , in Fangorn Forest , Gandalf , Saruman and Treebeard himself are wandering , meeting or not meeting seemingly at random .
7 These young men 's violence could be unleashed almost at random .
8 There is stucco , half-timbering , red brick , gault brick , dormered roofs and parapeted Georgian facades , all set seemingly at random , yet in perfect visual harmony one with another .
9 The fibres of this paper are meshed absolutely at random , which gives it a special surface character and also makes it very strong and long lasting .
10 VCPs are set apparently at random , and vehicles stopped in the same way , but there is a method in the madness .
11 Dorothea Gilberd edged away from the parents to whom she had been uttering words of reassurance about their little Philip 's future and glided quite at random in the direction of Tom Tedder .
12 He would not allow newcomers to be shipped abroad at random .
13 The system begins with its protozoa jiggling about at random , but after a few generations , they evolve into a race of protozoa which tend to move in straight lines .
14 To the unpractised eye it might appear a hotch-potch thrown together at random .
15 The following table , based on an analysis of ten movements taken quite at random from the works of Mozart , Beethoven , Mendelssohn , Berlioz , Wagner , and Tchaikovsky , may be of interest in this connexion :
16 She says , " it is clear that the various features of Patois are learned neither at random nor in isolation .
17 But , as we observe it , nature is not evolving completely at random .
18 Half the fun of viewing them is that subjects come up at random .
19 All struck out at random — a muddle of punching fists and kicking boots .
20 It is for these reasons that his approach seems the more fruitful of the two in understanding the situation in advanced capitalist societies during the last twenty or thirty years , when Adorno 's conception of artistic totality , mirror image of an increasingly global , oppressive industrial totality , presents a theoretical cul-de-sac ; when , by contrast , we are actually bombarded by an increasingly heterogeneous mix of musical methods and messages , often seemingly cut free from traditions and sources , shifted around at random ; when listeners do seem to some extent to have learned , gradually , new perceptual skills , through several decades of habituation , enabling more active comparison of styles , a greater variety of uses and a more ‘ ironic ’ relationship to the stream of musical products ; and when the main opportunities for critique and subversion lie not in head-on ‘ romantic ’ protest but in exploiting temporary spaces , in the cracks and at the margins , within the monolith itself .
21 I have sampled a range of cordless tools , chosen mostly at random from the manufacturers ' catalogues , broadly representing the market spectrum .
22 In evolutionary game theory , we imagine a population of animals pairing off at random and playing this game .
23 Newspapers were full of stories of leukaemia clusters near nuclear establishments and of the long-term victims of Chernobyl and minor releases , people picked off at random within the pattern of statistical formulations .
24 You 're right Eileen it , you could have really bad luck and have all four children with P K U or you could have really good luck and none of them have P K U , or you could have half and half , that 's just an example , with each successive pregnancy you stand a one in four chance , those are all the possibilities , but like throwing the dice it comes up at random .
25 He bought them literally by the armful , and read as many as three in a day , picked up at random from the piles he had brought home ; yet afterwards he could tell of what he had read , so beautifully , according to Reid , that the book itself would be a disappointment by comparison .
26 Consider the following lexical items in a number of verbal contexts cited almost at random from Darwin 's Journal during the Voyage of HMS Beagle round the World :
27 To take a sentence chosen almost at random from the Authorised Version of the Old Testament :
28 As we describe in our paper , the sample of participating departments was not chosen completely at random .
29 These are samples of the relevant population chosen completely at random .
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