Example sentences of "[verb] [art] higher rate " in BNC.

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1 The other , the other thing that we worked , w we 've been working with , and are still working with , erm to take up campaign for tenants in who 're on Supplementary Benefit or Housing Benefit supplement , erm to claim the higher rate heating addition for their flat .
2 The whole country would like to know at what level of income they intend to increase the higher rate of tax .
3 Similarly , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment in order to obtain the higher rate relief .
4 If the barriers to capital mobility are removed , capital will flow from the UK to obtain the higher rate of return available in Germany .
5 Customers of National and Provincial Building Society now receive a higher rate of interest when their savings reach £250 .
6 In strict cash terms she is paying a higher rate on her mortgage than her savings are earning .
7 Unless there were special factors involved and although I can not recall a situation where we 've paid for a person to go into that 's for members to discuss , not me , but we have certainly paid an enhanced rate where somebody wanted to go to live near their daughter who was in and we felt that was a legitimate reason for paying a higher rate and , and , and we did do so , so there are other types of flexibility .
8 Only Spain and Ireland of the 11 other Common Market countries record a higher rate .
9 The climate may be to blame , say the experts , continental kites , in warmer conditions , enjoy a higher rate of breeding success .
10 there are no limits on how little or how much you pay-in , but once the balance on your account reaches £100 your should think of opening a Saver Plus Account which offers a higher rate of interest .
11 If cash flows are expected to be predictable then there will be no special virtue in liquidity and you would earn a higher rate of interest from a straightforward money market deposit .
12 The government had wanted to retain the higher rate , whereas the parliamentary tax committee had advocated more drastic reductions , to 14 per cent and 7 per cent .
13 Rather , it is that the active exploitation by trade unions of their monopoly requires a higher rate of unemployment than any acceptable notion of full employment will admit ; and hence , that attempts by the Government to create employment by stimulating the economy will not only be inflationary but will fail .
14 The married couples allowance will be restricted to the 20pc reduced tax band and will cost a higher rate tax payer about £370 per annum .
15 When the balance on your account reaches £2,000 , £10,000 or £25,000 , we pay a higher rate of interest on the whole amount .
16 They did not have a higher rate of manic depressive illness or anxiety neurosis .
17 In their intermediation role between savers and borrowers , banks , building societies and other financial institutions earn profits by paying savers a lower rate of interest on deposits and charging a higher rate on loans to customers .
18 When I last had the opportunity to question my right hon. Friend , he confirmed that under the Conservatives , miners and other earners in my constituency would not pay a higher rate of income tax .
19 The former condition generated a higher rate of response .
20 Students in possession of any Morrissey records are charged a higher rate of interest on their college loans • A hitman is hired to hit the Hit Man and Her as well as all the bloody dancers ( especially that git who 's been wearing the same crappy wig for the last five mindbendingly-dull years ) .
21 Under the terms of your mortgage , you will probably have to tell the lender that you have taken a tenant , and may then be charged a higher rate of interest .
22 With both types , the lenders have your new home as security , but since they 're taking a bigger risk than normal , you can expect to be charged a higher rate of interest .
23 Please remember , however , that if you exceed the agreed amount or overdraw your account without prior arrangement , you will automatically be charged a higher rate of interest on the excess or on unauthorised amounts .
24 On the other hand , if you , as a pensioner , are the householder and have relatives living with you , you 'll receive the higher rate of benefit .
25 Covenanted donations to charities for a term of more than three years can be offset against tax if you are someone who pays the higher rate of tax .
26 Does my right hon. Friend agree that any proposal to raise the higher rate of income tax , as advocated by the Opposition , would be damaging for morale and prosperity , because such a move would not only destroy the will to work but drive some of our best brains out of the country ?
27 This pays a higher rate of interest for £50,000+ investors .
28 If lenders are not reasonably sure the loan will be paid back , they will understandably charge a higher rate of interest .
29 If lenders are not reasonably sure the loan will be paid back , they will understandably charge a higher rate of interest .
30 The Japanese Foreign Minister , Michio Watanabe , told Akashi that the government was prepared to pay a higher rate for refugee resettlement and for economic reconstruction operations , both of which were separate from the UNTAC budget .
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