Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the poorest " in BNC.

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1 On certain days , it was said , a tramcar of unusual design was seen circulating slowly along the lines which passed through the poorest and most deprived slums in the city .
2 Kirtana was regarded as the poorest man in the village — but he was fiercely proud and once he had lost his land still refused to work on someone else 's .
3 India 's young idealists of the early Seventies gave up bright futures to work with the poorest .
4 And it says that 's what 's happening to the poorest communities , the poorest countries in the Third World .
5 Mr Edmonds quoted a study by the National Institute for Social and Economic Research which concluded that Labour 's proposals were ‘ surprisingly well targeted on the poorest families . ’
6 Providing loans without interest , the People 's Bank is a grassroots financial institution owned by the Government and targeted at the poorest Nigerians who live below the poverty line .
7 The addition of occupational pension rights to an estimate of the share of wealth owned by the poorest 80 per cent of the population in 1972 raises the figure from 10 per cent to 20 per cent , and including state-pension rights doubles this again to over 40 per cent .
8 Since the Minister is so concerned about the gold belonging to the Baltic states , will he see justice done for the poorest country in Europe , Albania , whose gold is in the Bank of England and was stolen from that country four decades ago ?
9 He drove through the poorest streets of Paris , and some of the richest ones , and at length , shortly before midnight stopped the car in a wide and gracious street of tall and beautiful houses .
10 Schemes include Enterprise 5 's transformation of the Old Customs House and Sailor 's Home on the New Quay into yuppie flats and , something which is quite bizarre , the redevelopment of the old Bell St Tenements on the fish quay , originally built for the poorest of the poor in the 1920s , as posh flats .
11 It is the hardiest breed of all , able to be productive where other cattle could not even survive , and , like other hardy old breeds , it is long-lived and can make do with the poorest of grazing .
12 The problems appear critical for the 20 per cent of the Merseyside population living in the poorest council housing and especially in the district of Knowsley where 48 per cent of the population ( six times the national average ) live in such areas .
13 In fact I knew nothing of his family life — only that he came from the poorest part of the town , a row of " yards " containing tumbledown cottages , some of them evacuated because of their condition .
14 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
15 On Dec. 26 , in an address to the nation , Ukrainian Premier Leonid Kuchma announced that direct payments would be made to the poorest members of society to protect them against the worst effects of the price rises .
16 Major announced on Oct. 17 that the UK was to write off unilaterally some US$850,000,000 in debts owed by the poorest countries — two-thirds of the debt owed by some 20 countries .
17 Elderly non-married women were substantially over-represented among the poorest .
18 The gloomy assessment of Derry 's chances is based on the poorest goal scoring record of any team in the top six — City have averaged less than a goal game from 28 League outings .
19 The arms trade increases Third World debt , which is a burden born by the poorest .
20 Soviet influence , moreover , was overwhelmingly concentrated among the poorest and least important countries in terms of population and GNP , whose support was often more of a liability than an asset ; the world 's major military and industrial powers , by contrast , were all allied or aligned with the United States .
21 ‘ It 's ironic that the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) means that the richest farmers are subsidised by the poorest consumers in Europe through food prices which are kept high by production quotas .
22 Nevertheless , the same pattern occurs when these countries are excluded ; for example , when the analysis is limited to the poorest quartile of countries in each latitudinal interval .
23 Eighty per cent of our bilateral aid goes to the poorest countries .
24 His parents fully understood his difficulties and raised no objections when he said that he wanted to live in the poorest part of South-East London for a year , to study conditions and work in a lay capacity amongst the people .
25 Progressive landlords still owned a lot of land and redistribution often did n't go to the poorest peasants but to peasants who were members of the Communist Party .
26 Neither philanthropists nor speculators could solve the problem of the very poor ; there were too few philanthropists , and no speculator could make housing for the poorest pay .
27 Perhaps I should start by telling you something I 'll not be talking about and that is the subject of financial resources and how Lynda 's getting on in her discussions with chief secretary , I do n't suppose that comes to you as any surprise but I shall I not be talking on that but let me say that we remain committed strongly to a substantial aid programme which as far as possible is directed towards the poorest countries .
28 The poorest people in our society are left with the poorest facilities — and that 's probably the same wherever you go .
29 But locals are incensed at the suggestion they live in the poorest served community in England .
30 Yet it involved a principle which many could not accept : regardless of the sacrifices demanded of the rest of the community , it seemed too much to ask of the poorest of the poor .
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