Example sentences of "[noun] to a halt " in BNC.

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1 He swerved the jeep to a halt in the village square , under a plane tree to keep it as cool as possible in the midday heat .
2 The preacher overstepped the mark when he called the Royal Mail to a halt on the moor near Bagshot .
3 On the edge of the runway Greg brought the ambulance to a halt and while they prepared to wait for the incoming aircraft , David maintained radio contact with the control tower .
4 Bodie drove recklessly down an ‘ up ’ ramp , swerved round one of the thick , concrete pillars and brought the car to a halt , facing the on-coming van .
5 Roman brought the car to a halt in front of the flats and , without waiting for him to open her door , Claudia got out and inserted her key in the lock .
6 Drawing the car to a halt by a grass verge , she slumped dejectedly over the wheel , resting her head on her hands .
7 Sabine brought the car to a halt at the side of the road .
8 She reached for her bag , her hand closing on the bunch of keys , as Jacques brought the car to a halt .
9 She turned into the drive of the Red House , and brought the car to a halt close to the front door .
10 She drew the car to a halt and pulled on the handbrake .
11 Luke drew the car to a halt in front of the house and cut the engine , turning in the seat to face her , his eyes so black that she could see tiny images of herself reflected in their depths .
12 Lindsey barely had time to catch a glimpse of colourful awnings and flower-filled terracotta pots before Niall had brought the car to a halt , cut the engine and was climbing out .
13 She was fanning her cheeks desultorily when she realised with a start that they were pulling off the road and Niall was bringing the car to a halt .
14 He brought the car to a halt outside her flat and they sat motionless , staring at a group of boys who were playing on skateboards .
15 Suddenly , it all made sense , ’ he added as he brought the car to a halt in front of her flat .
16 ‘ I 've had a great time , ’ Ashley said , thanking Vitor when he brought the car to a halt .
17 We arrived all in one piece , ’ Ashley said , as she drew the car to a halt outside the stone villa .
18 Morton slowed the speed a little , preparing to bring the boat to a halt when he needed to .
19 ‘ Whoa , me lovers … whoa … ’ bringing the carriage to a halt outside a dignified cream-painted house — Mr Loveitt 's office and chambers combined .
20 The driver eased the Mercedes to a halt in front of a boomgate a couple of hundred yards further down the road and extended his ID card to the KGB duty officer , who immediately waved them through .
21 He pulled his plodding horse to a halt outside the Griffin , still a popular pub on the Oxfordshire side of the Thames .
22 However , its immediate and total removal , or ban , could bring much of industry to a halt .
23 One afternoon , after they had been travelling together for several days , Cleo ordered Dauntless to pull Contralto to a halt .
24 It will contact your vehicle and remotely , initiate a chain of events which will ultimately bring the vehicle to a halt , enabling recovery .
25 A second later a tall , broad-shouldered figure threw open the rear door — clearly too impatient to wait for the chauffeur to bring the vehicle to a halt .
26 Lots of chatter from them suggests to the nucleus that there are too many receptors at the synapse , so it brings their manufacture to a halt .
27 They saw the big armoured car shudder to a halt and the great black beast as it left the roof and plummeted towards them .
28 A SHAKE-OUT in Hong Kong sent shudders through London yesterday and almost brought FT-SE 's record-breaking run to a halt .
29 A burst of automatic fire up front and to our left brings the column to a halt as we then squat on the wet ground and watch the tracers shoot off across the night sky .
30 Picking up the radio handset , he called the exercise to a halt .
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