Example sentences of "[noun] meted [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is a complex tension in the Prioress 's Tale between the intense maternal sentimentality of the narrator 's treatment of the child martyr of whom she tells , the deeply symbolic nature of the tale , and the sublimated violence meted out to the " " cursed Jewes " " .
2 Nor did the general public have a very high regard of embalming , believing it to be another unnecessary luxury meted out to the corpses of the rich .
3 While crucial to an assessment of the reality of middle class women 's experience , these differences in income and status within the middle class did not affect the prescriptions meted out to middle class women , which were fundamentally rooted in theories of sexual difference and the idea of separate spheres .
4 — ‘ in thought I see my past madness ’ ; these two cries are from the Arnaut Daniel speech ending Purgatorio XXVI , where the poet condemned to the circle of lust prays for the hearer 's consideration and looks forward to the release from the to tortures meted out to the lustful .
5 He also points out the song 's crucial omission , astonishing in a work of the protest movement : Dylan never says that Zantzinger is white and Hattie Carroll black , and forces the listener to assume that she was because of everything we are told about her : her name , that she had ten children , her position as a maid who ‘ did n't even talk to the people at the table ’ and , more tendentiously , because of what was done to her and the mild punishment meted out to her murderer who ‘ at 24 years/Owns a tobacco farm of 600 acres ’ .
6 The ruthless punishment meted out to senior officials who fell from favour reflected the general lack of legal safeguards for life and property .
7 Subordination is , in the Genesis text , the punishment meted out to woman .
8 Was this the treatment Roman meted out to any female who presumed a little too much , grew a little too possessive ?
9 Reports in the Washington Post of April 2 , citing the New York-based human rights group Middle East Watch , also confirmed cases of revenge attacks meted out against Palestinians [ see p. 38118 ] and others suspected of collaborating with the Iraqis .
10 I WAS impressed by Billy McKenna 's powerful article , ‘ Pushing up the daffodils in Brazil ’ and horrified — even as an Amnesty International member of some years ' standing — to read of the brutality meted out to Antonio Gilvan da Cruz and others .
11 In the United Kingdom the Roman Catholic and Republican minority of Northern Ireland took to the streets in protest against the injustices meted out to their kind by the Provincial Government and condoned in Whitehall ( see Cameron Report 1969 Cmd 532 ) .
12 She took the punishments meted out to her without a murmur .
13 Mr Duggan is quite alone in his view that , to use his word , ‘ most ’ of Welsh players who did received the harshest punishments meted out by any R.F.U. — if you have any doubts ask Messrs Wheel and Moseley .
14 The continuous propaganda meted out by Romanian radio and television jarred on her staunchly Tory mind .
15 The occasional smack meted out in a happy , secure home is not going to scar a child 's psyche .
16 It is very doubtful whether the occasional smack meted out against a background of a loving , accepting home , does anyone much harm ; but this is true only if the punishment is not too severe or excessive .
17 Up to that time their lives had been appallingly difficult , given the savage treatment their fellow-Poles meted out to them .
18 The root of our belief is that people do care about the places where they live , work and shop , that they are concerned about the devastation meted out to historic towns since the Second World War .
19 All these players can make me flinch and squirm ; but it 's nothing compared to the complicated torment meted out by the Barometer .
20 Moreover a series of causes and scandals sustained them — from the iniquities of the Contagious Diseases Acts to the scandalous leniency meted out to high-class ‘ madams ’ , from the exploitation and abduction of young girls in the White Slave Trade to the marriage and other scandals of those in high places : the divorce case of Charles Dilke in 1886 ; of the Irish leader Parnell in 1890 ; the scandal of the Cleveland Street homosexual brothel , 1889–90 , said to involve the eldest son of the heir to the throne ; and the Tranby Croft gambling scandal of 1891 , which involved the Prince of Wales himself .
21 A comprehensive account of the function and characteristic features of traditional barns follows , because it is apparent from even a brief tour of any rural district that the treatment meted out to many old barns in the course of their conversion into houses has been insensitive , or even atrocious , and even these enormities have occurred despite their owners ' clearly expressed intentions to preserve , rather than erase , the ‘ barn-like ’ qualities of the buildings .
22 For all the rough treatment meted out to houses in institutional use , many retain remarkably fine interiors .
23 It was the moment when a choice had to be made about how to approach the exploitation and inequitable treatment meted out to Black subjects in Britain .
24 Horrible though these events are , they pale beside the treatment meted out to Brazil 's children .
25 The nuances of relationship , by which naturalists describe the societal life of animals , their instinctive protection of eggs and off-spring , the mating displays and individual protection of territories , and , in particular , the varying treatment meted out to strangers , from tolerance to outright aggression , all find their analogues in human interaction .
26 Political activity was prohibited and the treatment meted out to non-Japanese was harsh and arbitrary .
27 Moreover , the severity of the treatment meted out to this underclass , who have borne the brunt of the welfare changes , is in stark contrast to the benevolent attitude demonstrated by the Government in its welfare policies for the most privileged .
28 I 've even considered picking up litter in different parts of London — or even different parts of the country — to include in the archive , as historical specimens of the varied treatment meted out to ephemera : the flyers with the coupons torn out , worth 15 pence off the next purchase in high-street supermarkets ; the junk-food cartons , the ketchup sachets and tiny envelopes of pepper and salt outside the fast-food places , and , by contrast , the pristine copies of Vogue , the printed dress boxes , emblazoned with trademarks and royal coats of arms , tossed into the dustbins of Kensington .
29 The savagery of the treatment meted out to King was captured on videotape by an amateur cameraman and constituted a key piece of evidence at the trial .
30 Examples of their prejudice are contained within the anti-trade union legislation passed and the shame of the treatment meted out to our brothers and sisters , in such places as Dover , G C H Q , Timex , local government and the present piecemeal destruction of our National Health Service and the attendant deaths that go with it .
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