Example sentences of "[noun] to rid [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are , even today , all sorts of varying views on Ken 's theatrical performances and how seriously he took his opportunities to rid himself of the cliché Kenneth Williams image .
2 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
3 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
4 Taken to its logical conclusion , this would present the deposition as a side-effect of the political community 's attempt to rid themselves of an unpopular group of upstarts .
5 Taken to its logical conclusion , this would present the deposition as a side-effect of the political community 's attempt to rid themselves of an unpopular group of upstarts .
6 The logical structure admittedly is independent of the desires of the thinker , but the drive behind it is an enthusiasm , or an obsession to rid himself of an intolerable burden ; at the point when we notice there is no more joy or stress in his thinking , that it has become a routine , we begin to be afraid that his creative phase his passed .
7 Possibly Cnut took active steps to rid himself of this dangerous figure for good .
8 It was just a spur-of-the-moment plan to rid himself of Doreen , she decided , but , even so , her arms became firmer as they clung to him .
9 Once more among his Party faithful in Nuremberg in September 1938 , his proclamation contained the usual cliché about the infant Nazi Party beginning the fight against the greatest enemy threatening the German people , international Jewry , and a few days later , still at the Party Rally , he attempted to justify Germany 's attempts to rid itself of its Jews by the stereotype reference to an over-populated country .
10 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
11 The origins of this popular movement lie in the first wave of pressure for disarmament , which began with the emergence of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ( CND ) in 1958 and ended in 1964 , with its decline in the face of the new Labour Government 's failure to rid itself of nuclear weapons .
12 For many Arab people , their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces ; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region 's resources , siphoning off cheap oil to the West , while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty , struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West .
13 Edward 's desire to rid himself of the burden and embarrassment of Scotland was shared not only by his subjects but also by the pope , whose concern for peace in England , a prerequisite for a crusade , was once again evident .
14 The fire had been doused under a great , smoking heap of insects ; the human beings shook themselves like dogs to rid themselves of the sickening creatures , which were showing , for some reason , perhaps because she was wearing a white muslin dress , a particular desire to land on Lucy .
15 There are hundreds of cases of men who took the most drastic and precarious actions to rid themselves of , what is after all , a minor irritant .
16 He looked like a figure gazing into the mouth of hell , and she shook her head to rid herself of the image .
17 Equally , the lesbian and gay movement needs to make far more serious and energetic efforts to rid itself of racist assumptions in its political agenda .
18 As noted in Chapter 3 , there is no inherent power for partners to rid themselves of an unwanted colleague short of seeking a dissolution unless their partnership agreement contains express provision .
19 Self-help groups can be very useful and ideally every physician caring for diabetics should have access to a person skilled in helping people to rid themselves of the smoking habit .
20 Adam Drabo has since become a folk hero , for the inspiration he has given to his country 's people to rid themselves of corrupt government .
21 It can take a long time for a woman to rid herself of the automatic assumptions that she has absorbed about home-making , and learn to fashion an approach which suits her and her family .
22 There have been suggestions that James owed Gowrie a great deal of money , and contrived the incident to rid himself of the debt ; or that he had homosexual designs on the young man , and had murderously silenced him when rejected .
23 But having collected the first item on Alex Ferguson 's spring shopping list they hope it will prove to be the lever to rid themselves of a 25-year burden .
24 The Delphic Oracle advised Hercules that the only way to rid himself of her curse was to undertake twelve gruelling tasks .
25 There is one foolproof way to rid yourself of this — take a cold shower .
26 Privately , it 's believed Washington put great pressure on President Chamorro to rid herself of remnants of the Sandinista administration .
27 In order to lose weight permanently , and at the same time to rid yourself of some possibly long-standing unpleasant symptoms , you will need to learn what your body needs .
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