Example sentences of "[noun] clinging to a " in BNC.

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1 Almost unknown in the region at this time were the tiny freeholds conventionally linked with the proliferation of paupers , whether cottagers clinging to a precarious independence , or young men waiting to come into their patrimony .
2 Happily , these include some of the most desperate cases , like Borringdon , a once-magnificent Elizabethan house outside Plymouth which was no more than a gutted shell clinging to a precipice , but today is a comfortable country house hotel .
3 The Good God knows I would dismiss the matter as fanciful and accept that the Scottish King died of an accidental fall from his horse except for what I found , those little shreds clinging to a thorn bush on Kinghorn Ness crying out ‘ Murder ’ to the world .
4 Through the sudden fierce pulsing of her blood , she could hear Taggy describing how she had found her mistress clinging to a bedpost in one of the spare chambers .
5 Doubt and faith , though , are related only because of the nature of things after the Fall ( like the unhealthy relationship of a leech clinging to a body ) .
6 Midge , the most important character , is a middle-aged woman clinging to a bachelor son , himself already in early middle age .
7 Like a drowning woman clinging to a frail piece of wreckage , she hung for dear life on to the bedpost while the images cluttered her mind : Benedict smiling ; Caswell shocked ; a loved face dying ; the wasted face of Lady Lavinia dead , eyes open ; Araminta 's bitter , hating mouth ; Rose 's pleading smile for Benedict .
8 A night breeze stirred the green creeper clinging to a wall , fluttered the awnings on an open-fronted stall selling touristy knick-knacks , and blew strands of silky dark hair across her face .
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