Example sentences of "[noun] builds [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the retailer builds up a good relationship with his customers they will keep coming back — and maybe tell their friends .
2 This high level is a primary risk in heart disease , since excess cholesterol builds up a sticky silt-like deposit in the arteries , impeding the passage of blood and increasing the pressure on the heart .
3 This definition , according to Schumpeter , is a summary or basis of a revised theory of democracy which is much truer to life and at the same time salvages much of what the sponsors of democratic method really mean by this term' Schumpeter builds up a definition of the modern political system in the West , which he claims ‘ to try out on some of the more important features of the structure and working of the political engine in democratic countries ’ .
4 In it they asserted quite clearly that permitting divorce would certainly affect the stability of all Irish marriages because it rendered every Irish marriage dissoluble : ‘ It is as though the legal availability of divorce builds up a social pressure which , for large numbers of people , becomes stronger than moral or religious resistance ’ ( abridged version , Irish Times , 14 May 1986 ) .
5 Contrary to one popular view , it is not the case that at the Kalmar plant each group of workers builds up a complete car from a box of component parts .
6 If a free service builds up a high demand and a waiting list , that too increases a professional 's power to humiliate or increase the client 's dependency .
7 By profession an economist , Pareto builds up a complex model on the basis of the argument that just as material resources ( in particular wealth ) are distributed skewly in an economy , so are human resources ( moral and intellectual abilities ) in society .
8 Marchant builds up a factual record of dereliction in Stepney with the intention of conveying a sense of loss .
9 Many theories have been suggested and most back to the whale by the environment and any objects , such as fish , nearby ; the whale builds up a picture of its surroundings from these echoes .
10 Through this ‘ echolocation' ’ system a dolphin builds up an acoustic picture of its surroundings , and can hunt its prey over a much greater distance than the limits of visibility in the water .
11 Consistently good water quality and a stress-free environment builds up the natural resistance of your fish , so they can shrug off minor ailments .
12 The constructive theory builds up the set of achievable patterns while the destructive theory reduces the set of possible patterns .
13 The pupil builds up the words he wants in a stand , and can test out his ideas without having to commit them to paper yet .
14 It is by tiny touches such as these — though only a stylometrist would consciously notice them — that Jane Austen builds up the picture of one character 's clubbability , and the other 's insolence of rank .
15 First , over the initial half of the game , the human builds up an overwhelming position .
16 The relationship between printer and buyer is then strengthened if , over time , the printer builds up an excellent knowledge of the customer 's business .
17 Of course , consistency in notation builds up a certain level of skill with that notation , but it is vitally important to develop skills at least partially independent of a single notation .
18 In the dry season , when the flow of the river is less powerful , wave action from the sea builds up a sand bar at its mouth , blocking its exit .
19 As a counterpoint to the dramatic formation of major fault lines and tectonic intrusions , which are major focuses for the occurrence of Earth Lights phenomena , the slow deposition of sedimentary rocks builds up the character of an area in its own way .
20 Now it seems that the disease builds over a period of years .
21 Released from duty and put on the case , Renko builds up a long list of suspects , Zita having slept with most of the crew and possibly some of the flatfish .
22 Each occurrence at such a spot builds up the energy store until , after generations , it begins to be noticed more consciously .
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