Example sentences of "[noun] separate [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some manufacturers have overcome the latter factor by placing the batteries in a compartment separate from the control box ( eg Fisher 1266-X and C-Scope CS4ZX ) .
2 More recently , Habermas has distinguished a domain of critical thinking separate from the two domains of purposive means-end thought and thought founded on human interaction .
3 Silbermann mounted the escapement on the key and the hammer separate from the key .
4 Although assembled in units separate from the lay force , the clergy were sometimes supervised by a layman , just as occasionally clerics had charge of the lay contingent .
5 In some species the post-nuptial moult occurs in areas separate from the breeding grounds , requiring a midsummer migration .
6 In terms of worker participation three alternative options are available to a European Company ; a German model with workers represented on the management bodies ; the Franco–Italian system of a works council separate from the management board ; and the Swedish model , under which individual firms establish an agreement on participation with the workers .
7 In older systems , this will usually be a gravity-fed circuit separate from the pumped central heating circuit , but in modern systems it will be a pumped circuit which operates together with the central heating .
8 Keep a sprig separate from the decorations and pop it into a vase of water in a cool place , and keep it until spring .
9 Communication is not a discrete process separate from the organization 's main activities .
10 The critique of functionalism led writers to stress the ‘ relative autonomy ’ of the capitalist state , manifested in its existence as a set of institutions separate from the classes of civil society .
11 Formerly , East German companies had strong vertical and horizontal integration with activities separate from the core business , and large numbers of employees .
12 Essentially , it is necessary : ( 1 ) to keep clients ' money and trust money separate from the firm 's own accounts ; ( 2 ) to account to clients for interest earned on their moneys held on deposit whether in designated or undesignated client accounts in the circumstances set out in the rules ; and ( 3 ) to submit the firm 's books and accounting practices to annual inspection by a qualified accountant .
13 For her , the life of a conventional nun , a safe and comfortable existence separate from the misery and filth of the world was just not possible .
14 It is in our power to develop our love and burnish it , for the image of love can have an existence separate from the beloved .
15 As you start brushing , part the hair down to the skin and keep the unbrushed hair separate from the brushed coat .
16 If you entertain a lot you may well prefer to have your kitchen separate from the dining area , unless you opt for a large and deliberately-for-dining kitchen .
17 I mean un unless you make the control room blast proof , which is maybe a thing to be looked in to in the future and then again they 're speaking about making the accommodation module separate from the platform itself which is another thing , but I mean that 's all to be looked at .
18 Keep the creamy brown body meat separate from the flaked white claw meat .
19 Researchers and practitioners have noted that , in interviewing , it is not always easy to keep questions of toilet training and sexual education separate in the minds of mothers concerned .
20 Wounded deer by the next day separate from the herd and fail to groom or eat or move .
21 After the rut the males separate from the groups of females and begin their more or less solitary existence once again .
22 Insure against everything from salmonella poisoning to a speaker 's non-appearance , and keep finances for a particular event separate from the company or organisation 's general finances .
23 In order to reduce delay , cost and complexity in the civil justice system , the Civil Justice Review recommended that the county court should be retained as a court separate from the High Court , but that the upper limit of county court jurisdiction should be abolished , that all civil proceedings , with a few exceptions , should be commenced by a document called a writ , which would be issued in either the High Court or a county court , and that there should be an improved system of transfer of cases between county court and High Court .
24 Further major changes were recommended by the Civil Justice Review , although these did not extend to the creation of a small claims court separate from the county court .
25 Originally , the Government 's intention was to keep the compiling of the electoral register separate from the poll tax register .
26 In summary , his presentation allows readers to suppose that the Pioneers were wrong in establishing , or attempting to establish , the producers ' societies as bodies separate from the consumers ' societies , and wrong even in seeing them as genuine co-operatives .
27 We sought advice on the matter from officers of the main teacher unions and were told that , although it was not the policy of any union to place an embargo on questionnaires from bodies separate from the LEA , nevertheless attitudes and morale might at that time be such as to produce little willingness to respond .
28 When Lyons attempts to specify differences between ‘ language-systems ’ , such as in the example of English pronouns , or in that of the lack of status marking in English grammar , it becomes virtually impossible to keep the formal ‘ lexical and grammatical ’ features separate from the cultural context .
29 Someone who says there is not actual entity separate from the world called beauty could still be a chap who believed that the word beautiful had a vivid and important use .
30 Confidentiality is the most important word in the clinic 's vocabulary , and the majority of clinics have their own case-notes separate from the hospital notes .
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