Example sentences of "[noun] arrive at the " in BNC.

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1 The equivalent during reading is having our eyes arrive at the bottom of the page without the slightest understanding of what the author had intended .
2 When subjects arrive at the sleep laboratory in the evening for a night 's recording they prepare themselves for bed in the normal way .
3 The lads arrive at the local nick to find their Houdini pa has done a bunk and they wander about the country trying to locate him , pitching up in a one horse Long Island seaside town .
4 Daphne says that many baby elephants arrive at the sanctuary in shock , having seen their entire extended family hacked to death .
5 Electors are always prepared to criticise the Government in answer to pollsters ' questions , but when the same individuals arrive at the polling booth they simply can not bring themselves to vote Labour into power .
6 Thus the pilots may be found in the Engines Section absorbing the means whereby the aviation spirit and flames arrive at the right place at the right time to produce the urge for forward movement , or they could be watching in some fascination an array of lights and switches on a array known as ‘ electrics ’ which behave themselves so well under the persuasion of the engines instructor , but which flash and fail to respond in such heart-breaking fashion when the student is urged to demonstrate that he has ‘ got ’ it .
7 If two people arrive at the door with a piano and say :
8 When the C S Es/O Levels arrive at the beginning of the fourth year most schools decide to separate out their pupils into different groups , although in the school I was studying in and in one or two other schools , it 's possible to parallel C S E examinations with the existing O Level examinations and therefore to continue to teach the pupils in mixed ability groups , and that happened in English in the school I was studying , and in other schools it has happened in other subjects .
9 When the C S Es/O Levels arrive at the beginning of the fourth year , most schools decide to separate out their pupils into different groups , although in the school I was studying and in one or two other schools it 's possible to parallel C S E examinations with the existing ‘ O ’ level examinations and therefore to continue to teach the pupils in mixed ability groups , and that happened in English in the school I was studying .
10 Of course , our bullets arrive at the detector one by one and each of them has traversed one or other slit .
11 In the Fiction , before he and his uncle arrive at the farm , Philip the narrator describes the image of Catherine that remained from the earlier encounter :
12 These nuclear particles arrive at the F1 and F2 layers approximately 48 hours following a solar event and produce ionisation by colliding with gaseous molecules and cosmic particles .
13 First , the crossed auditory pathways inhibit the uncrossed pathways such that stimuli presented to the right ear arrive intact at the left hemisphere and stimuli presented to the left ear arrive at the right hemisphere .
14 This is a common fault of players who try to delay the hit : the hands arrive at the ball well in front of the clubhead with the clubface open .
15 When the hides arrive at the Klondyke factory they 're actually half butts , for no other reason than because they take up less room ; a half butt is the side of the animal , not the shoulder or the rump , but the flank , which gives a more consistent quality of leather .
17 It is unfortunate that both paths arrive at the head of the 350-foot falls where only the top plunge can be seen ; the steep slope alongside may be descended , with care , to bring more of this splendid waterfall within camera range .
18 Visitors to the villa arrive at the front , to be greeted by a huge work by Marino Marini , and if they are not careful see only the front .
19 A four-storey L-shaped building , it will be ready for occupation when students arrive at the beginning of the new academic year in October .
20 One vulture sighting carrion below unintentionally informs all others of its availability by swooping downwards , and thus dozens of vultures arrive at the scene of an animal kill in a very short space of time .
21 5.52am : Cheshire fire brigade is alerted to the fire at ICI 's Lostock site and two fire engines arrive at the scene to see a 1,000 metre smoke plume coming from the building and flames shooting from vents on the roof .
22 Each Land Registry deals with a certain number of counties , and readers are referred to the current edition of Longman 's Directory of Local Authorities in order to ensure that their applications for First Registration or for a dealing arrive at the right place .
23 Thousands of boxes of parts arrive at the assembly line every week to be emptied and then simply discarded in a corner because Dagenham is not geared to what the modern motor industry calls ‘ just-in-time ’ delivery .
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