Example sentences of "[noun] to defend [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You must be quick to notice things around you ; you must decide in an instant whether to run or fight ; you must practise turning at speed to defend yourself against attacks from the side and behind .
2 It is generally recognised at Community level that it is both inequitable and contrary to the objectives of a single market for certain firms in the Community to be immune from the commercial benefits and burdens of being taken over or to be able artificially to create methods to defend themselves from takeovers , while firms from other member states remain vulnerable .
3 So was it reasonable for the driver to step in and use his car to defend himself against a gang armed with lumps of concrete ?
4 In this new atmosphere the legislature displayed a determination to defend itself against executive encroachment , not seen for some years .
5 Unless the US , upon withdrawal , left sufficient indigenous military strength to enable south Korea to defend itself against any but an overt act of aggression , US withdrawal could be interpreted as a betrayal by the US of its friends and allies in the Far East and might well lead to a fundamental realignment of forces in favour of the Soviet Union throughout that part of the world .
6 This distinction can be seen as allowing the salesmen to defend themselves through providing a justification for fiddling .
7 As the police in both countries in recent years have relied increasingly on notions of professionalism to defend themselves against political attack , so police organizations have asserted themselves more publicly to promote not only their own organization , but also particular policies regarding law and order which they deem to be necessary .
8 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
9 But if the worst happens , you have every right to defend yourself with reasonable force .
10 ‘ A high degree of awareness can make the problem worse because some young people are persuaded to carry a knife or weapon to defend themselves with , ’ he said .
11 Before she 'd had a chance to react , to jump off the bed and snatch the towel , seize some kind of weapon to defend herself from whoever it was prowling around , the bedroom door swung open and the light clicked on .
12 It seemed a good place to defend ourselves against Silver and his men , because we were sure they would kill us when they returned to the ship .
13 They enlisted the help of a rebellious warlord from Vidin , in Ottoman-occupied Bulgaria , Osman Pazvant-oglu , and the governor was able to maintain his position only by arming the Serbs to defend themselves against the invaders .
14 It told him to come to the court on a certain day to defend himself before a Commissioner and the man who said he owed him money .
15 They had little chance to defend themselves at their court marshal , they were n't properly represented and there was very little right of appeal .
16 To deal with this , a group of merchants who wanted to trade in a particular part of the world would ask the monarch for a charter allowing them a monopoly of bringing goods from their chosen region into England , giving them rights to defend themselves against pirates and bandits with their own armed force , and letting them settle legal problems that would otherwise have to wait years until they got back to England .
17 Mr Saunders has already been granted legal aid of up to £275,000 to defend himself against fraud charges in the criminal courts , but he may have to pay whole or part of that money back if the trial judge so decides .
18 The inability of critics to kill off previous theories entirely , and of theories to defend themselves against their critics to the satisfaction of all concerned , have led several writers to conclude that development theory is in crisis ( see Booth , 1985 ; Mouzelis , 1988 ; Sklair , 1988a ) .
19 There they were to face yet another situation , a large country whose main physical characteristic was open countryside ( ‘ plat pays ’ ) broken up by rivers , with the social and economic characteristic of castles and towns ( some already fortified ) which helped society to defend itself against enemies from both within and without .
20 But it should also be mentioned that Sultan Qaboos overthrew his own father and needed the military support of the Shah and the SAS to defend himself against those of his countrymen not recognizing the benefits of his traditional Arab-Islamic leadership .
21 In 1989 the Supreme Court had assisted employers to defend themselves by ruling that it was up to the worker to prove that such practices did not constitute a " business necessity " .
22 Somehow during her affair with Nicholas Sara had lost her ability to defend herself against Lydia .
23 Fortunately the city has long been protected by the sorcerous Shifting Isles but its ability to defend itself in the event of a serious invasion has long been in doubt .
24 You quite happily went around killing parasites because they had no way to defend themselves against you .
25 Archbishop Aethelheard was at Rome seeking to secure the person of Odberht/Eadberht to answer charges brought against him by Offa , but Charlemagne had also sent Eadberht and others , who were in fear of death from Offa and had sought his protection , to Rome to defend themselves in person before the pope .
26 These data show , therefore , that the ability of the gastric mucosa to defend itself against noxious challenges depends on the integrity of its sensory innervation , whereas the rapid repair processes taking place after injury do not require an intact sensory innervation .
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